Out College Presidents Meet and Organize

Nine college presidents met over the weekend in Chicago and agreed to form a new organization, called LGBTQ Presidents in Higher Education. Apparently, there were 25 invitations sent out, but nine who attended:
Charlita Shelton of University of the Rockies
Theodora Kalikow of the University of Maine at Farmington
Karen Whitney of Clarion University
Neal King of Antioch University Los Angeles
Katherine Ragsdale of the Episcopal Divinity School
Raymond Crossman of the Adler School of Professional Psychology
Charles Middleton of Roosevelt University
Les McCabel of Semester at Sea
Ralph Hexter of Hampshire College
Interestingly, missing from this list are the two Black LGBT college presidents MadProfessah blogged about earlier this year, DeRionne Pollard of Montgomery College and Raynard Kington of Grinnell College.

Hat/tip to TowleRoad.