In District 9 we find the giant UFO/Stadium floating high above the city of Johannesburg.
For some reason the World Cup strangely attracts themes of an alien nature.
People form a circle around the point of Contact, gathering like moths to a flame.
"On the 23rd of February 2007 a 330 foot deep sinkhole swallowed over a dozen homes in a crowded neighbourhood. Over 1000 people were evacuated and two people were killed. It was said that the giant hole emitted a foul stench, tremors and loud noises. The authorities blamed the sinkhole on a ruptured underground sewage flow."
Sink Holes and the number 23 seem to resonate one another.
Like in War of the Worlds he opens up Sink Holes to let everyone know that a God is back in town.
On the 2010 World Cup logo I noticed that the dark figure looks like he's Surfing up the crest of a giant Rainbow Wave.
Maybe there's some kind of connection between the two.
I've no doubt that the energy build-up in South Africa is going make one helluva Splash when it's finally released across the globe. Maybe the World Cup 2010 logo hints at things which have yet to come. Surf boards at the ready people!
The Alien in this District 9 poster is also highlighted with Spots/BullET Holes:
Let the battle commence...
So silly, just wrote this for the previous post but it fits better here.. as this just popped up! Haven't even read it yet but I can see me and Ri¢hie Ri¢h are thinking allong the same lines..
On June 3 at 11:11 at night I saw this...
@Seallion Sounds about right.Tonight I try to pierce the clouds and bring on the splash. Peace to you all. SpaceWeather posts it as a leading story along with one about the sun awakening. Jim writes: The Sun Awakens & Jupiter Impact. Same thing.
The article says "bright flash of light in the giant planet's cloudtops".
The sync of having Jim (the syncstar who highlighted 42/Jupiter and really brought Jupiter's prominence to light in my consciousness) talk about piercing the clouds and doing Ayahuasca (Jupiter Juice) ceremony followed by Jupiter impact in its cloudtops... Let's just say it makes an impact on me.
Magritte's Castle in the Pyrenees
Hayao Miyazaki's Laputa Castle in the Sky based on the Gulliver's Travels floating city Laputa.
New Jack Black version of Gulliver's Travels drops this Christmas...
Empire Strikes Back's Cloud City Bespin.
Which totally resonates District 9's Mother Ship.
The moment I saw Soccer City (during my trip December-January back home) the main Stadium of the 2010 World Cup in Johannesburg, it immediately reminded me of the District 9 Mothership.
It just totally looks like some giant alien craft plonked down in the middle of Joburg!
Read about my visit to the stadium/mothership at The Blob 2010 World Cup Contact. By some weird twist of fate my mom works for the company that provided some of the steel for the building and she arranged for me to visit the structure still under construction at that point and not open to the general public...
Stadiums are StarCups/receivers of joy as WE/ME play our sacred ballgame ritual dramas of becoming.
Tommy: Ganon's Floating Castle in Zelda - Ocarina of Time (notice the cloudy mist circling around the rooftop):
A Rainbow Bridge must be crossed to reach it.
Avatar's floating mountains (in the clouds) -
Famous cloud head T.Hanks spent some time on an island. It may not be an island that floats in the sky, but in this picture from the movie Cast Away his head is poking into the clouds. Again.
I mentioned earlier that the new Predators movie (starring Laurence Fishburne aka The Silver Surfer) comes out two days before the World Cup finishes on July 11th.
The AVP on Tom Hanks' Soccer Ball entrains with the 2004 movie AVP.
Deep inside the MounTIN the explorers stumble across the Mayan Calendar.
They discover a stone sarcophagus which has three wheels built into it.
Woods (resonating the Ti69er) replies "October 10th".
The Mayan explorer confirms this by saying "10, 10, 2004".
He then uses his Jupiter finger to change the date to 10/10/2004
With the Queen released from her prison the lighning-struck Tower signals the end of one era...
Kevin: Beutiful work eeveryone. Sounding the Trump-ET. The 21st Trump the Aeon or the Last Judgement.
The Sounding of the TrumpET is most siginificant in the Contact scenes of
"War of the Worlds".
Compare "The Day the Earth Stood Still" with the Last JUdgement Tarot Card.
Notice how the Cars resonate the Coffins that the bodies leave on the Last Judgement Tarot Card above. This represents the TrempETs Wake up call,calling souls back into theyre bodies, the wake up call, to wake into the Awe of the Now.
Crowley had his own rendition of the "Last Judgement Tarot Card, His Version of the 21st Tarot card, Roman Numeral 20 or X X. 24-42 and or X as in The Wheel of Fortune-Jupiters Tarot card Roman numeral X or 10- Completion. Anywhoo, lets take note of the Aquarius bands on Nuits wrists and ankles as she bends over the Child-God Hoor-pa Kra krat or Horus, the Godhead of the New Aeon.
Second in importance as far as The Aeonic aspect of Crowleys infuence on Tarot would be the Astroligical card of Aquarius which features the same Lady of the Stars and infinite space seen bent into an Omega in the above tarot card "The Aeon". But here she is seen in the 17th Major Trump Card, "The Star", she is pouring the Aquarian Urns or Star-Cups Capturing and pouring the Cosmic Milk of the Stars and Beyond into the Now.
Aleister Crowley, a very prominent public Contactee with ETs, who actually taught the methods of attaining Contact* with ones own personal ruling ET called "The Holy Guardian Angel" or "Higher Self", Spiritual self, or Avatar. Crowley documented his contact with a Minister of the Head ET of Earth in the New Age, the Minister was named AIWASS. Crowley wrote this beings words and drew an image of it, 40 years previous to the common eras "Grey" Aliens with big heads, Crowley drew a perfect rendition of a Modern Contactee sketch.
Crowleys Tarot Card for the "Last Judgement" was called "The Aeon" referencing his declared new Age(analagous with Aquarius) called the "Aeon of the Child". This theme of Contact and Birthing of a New Age can also be found in 2010 the Year we make Contact.
ALso: I was eyeing June 6th because of its Jupiter/Uranus (Aquarian planet) Alignment, and it turns out on the 5th There was a Spiral much like the one in Norway last year in the Skies of Australia. These Spirals look very much alike the Spiral on The Star or Aquarius Tarot card too.
more to Add soon. Beutiful work everyone! <3 <3 <3