i don't know what it is, but Alecia Beth Moore -the singer popularly known as P!NK- really, really, really does it for me. ever since her first single... i mean, Yes. her amazing body, the piercing focus in her eyes, the sharp sneer in her lips... and -oh man- that booty. just lovely. how fitting then, that she synks. y'know, with a "k"...
P!nk chose her moniker to be ironic; she was the consummate tomboy growing up and not a big fan of the color. following this theme, most of her career has been about being the satirical, ironical, anti-popstar: the answer to the [pink] bubblegum flood of copyKat Kittens like Britney Spears and KrisTina Aguilera, while still being, by any definition, a popstar. in this respect, she reflects the anti-hero meme i've been consumed with recently via Batman, Obama and Tyler Durden, and recent discussions among the Sync Whole crew regarding our strange-attractions to the things we despise in synk...
sometimes i'm not even sure if i'm synking...For starters, P!nk's actual name is Alecia, a modern variation of the name Alice, reflecting our famous Wonderland explorer recently 3D'd, and the main character from the Resident Evil film series played by Milla Jovovich. Milla also does the Little-Girl-Lost thing in The Fifth Element, where we find some delicious costume synkery...
seewhatimean? just fine.
i've come to grips with the idea that ogling hotties
is a legitimately healthy form of goddess worship.
[happy juno!]
moving on...
a quick look at P!nk's website emphasizes her recent Funhouse Tour (which sounds a lot like Britney Spears' Circus Tour), which is NoW live in Australia...
a lil synk wynk for dougbooty . bridge . octagon-star . booty"In June 2009 the album [P!nk's 'I'm Not Dead'] returned once again to the Australian top ten album charts in its 142nd week in the national top fifty..."http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_%28singer%29#2006.E2.80.9307:_I.27m_Not_Dead the Funhouse Tour is P!nk's
3rd international tour; like so many other pop princesses i've studied -despite my aversion- P!nk also sees quite a bit of trinity action. synkwise, i mean. she started her career as one-of-three in the girl-group
Choice, whose fifteen minutes came when they were tapped to record a soundtrack song for
Kazaam called "Key To My
Kazaam is a movie about a genie played by Shaquille O'Neal... if the synknificance of that is lost on ya, i recommend checking out Arrowsmith's
Diesel Denim Dog Star, which, just in time for our
Heart Spill, also touches on the idea of oil as blood.
not as fine as Beyonce, though...
hey! this is actually going somewhere, kind of! alriiiight. moving on.
P!nk-in-trinity slipped into my early Beyonce studies in
The(Bee)yonce(Know)les as one of the three pop stars playing warrior women in the "We Will Rock You" Super Bowl commercial and accompanying ad campaign, along with Beyonce and Britney
(also referenced by Arrowsmith [whattupRich]);
following the warrior-triple-goddess theme, P!nk shows up on another synknificant soundtrack; Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle with the song "Feel Good Time", again synking her up with Beyonce, whose group Destiny's Child had their breakout international hit "Independent Woman Pt. 1", also a Charlie's Angels song.
P!nk synks with my girl Beeyonce (and Wonderland III) once again in the Grammy performance video at this post's opening by being "hung up" for a show;
ummm... yeahthe whole hung-up thing seems to resonate the Hanged Man tarot card, but that's about as far as my tarot knowledge goes... perhaps another synker can decode that one... this "Hanged" synk extended to Madonna...
...who showed up in triplicate, and in pink. this face of the madonna in pop -literally translated as "our lady"- could not be more reflective of the goddess, methinks... juno, isis, queen of heaven, the pinky fleshy bleeding heart... hail mary
in case y'all haven't figured it out yet, this post has pretty much been one big excuse for me to put up pictures of several forms of fine-ness. i mean, if we're gonna do the whole Pink thing here, why not use the opportunity to check out some booty?
this is not just a booty shot;
this is an "Alice In Wonderland" reference. really.
i welcome the comments of anyone offended by that last statement.

Angelina Jolie has these massive iconic lush pink lips, which maybe 50 percent of her posters designs take advantage of.

Lips are very close in shape to hearts.

Just like hearts, lips alternate between pink and red.

I' not sure which color associates more to lips and hearts..

Red or pink..? Often they look the same to me I can't always distinguish.

Anyway, it is fitting that Jolie's iconic lip presence also attracts heart/love themes in movies.

Ads sync gravity to the idea of lips and kisses as also being hearts.

One more idea has occurred to me before about lips. They are anagrams for pills. This seems random and silly and that's just about when I get really interested.
You put pills into your mouth via the portal of the lips.
Then I remembered that P!nk has a song called Your Just Like a Pill. Not that this is going anywhere yet.. Tinkering..
hearts are lips for halo queens
-the "and" of things-
v for vagina is lips is heart
sacred heart, sacred blood, rosa cross
(d ' n ' a)
the and of things
gotta love it
"...just like a pill..."
oh yeah, almost forgot this one: