DADT Repeal Passes Senate Committee 16-12

The Senate Armed Services Committee has voted 16-12 to attach the Lieberman-Levin Amendment MadProfessah discussed earlier to the National Defense Authorization Act today.

The roll call vote was:

Carl Levin (D-Michigan)
Robert C. Byrd (D-West Virginia)
Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Connecticut)
Jack Reed (D-Rhode Island)
Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii)
Bill Nelson (D-Florida)
Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska)
Evan Bayh (D-Indiana)
Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri)
Mark Udall (D-Colorado)
Kay R. Hagan (D-North Carolina)
Mark Begich (Alaska)
Roland W. Burris (Illinois)
Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico)
Edward E. Kaufman (Delaware)
Susan M. Collins (R-Maine)


Jim Webb (D-Virginia)
John McCain (R-Arizona)
James M. Inhofe (R-Oklahoma)
Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama)
Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia)
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
John Thune (R-South Dakota)
Roger F. Wicker (R-Mississippi)
George S. LeMieux (R-Florida)
Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts)
Richard Burr (R-North Carolina)
The amendment only needed 15 votes (out of 28) to pass. The House of Representatives is expected to vote on a similar amendment offered by Patrick Murphy (D-PA) either tonight or Friday.