Celebrity Friday: Sandra Diaz-Twine

Sandra Diaz-Twine, 34, made history on Sunday night by becoming the first person to win a second $1 million dollar check by repeating as a winner of CBS's reality television show Survivor. It is the only reality show that I watch (still!) and I was glad to see Sandra win over rvials Parvati Shallow and the odious Russell Hantz.

This was one of the best Survivor seasons ever, with former players returning, most notably the excessively pulchritudinous (i.e. hella phyne!) James Clement and "Survivor superman" Colby Donaldson who got to the final 5, but shockingly disappointed in the physical challenges.

The next season will be all new players again, so I will check out the first episode to see if there are any hotties, but really the game gets going when individual immunity (final 10-12 weeks) so that's probably when I'll check in. I do find it interesting that the game has had an almost even number of male and female winners. I think that shows that being able to "outwit, outplay, outlast" is not the domain of one gender.