The Radio8Ball Show With Seth Green & Twig Palace - 03/21/2010 from The Radio8Ball Show on Vimeo.
StarMummy 2: FloWman from Jake Kotze on Vimeo.
In the Radio8Ball clip with Seth Green's appearance (aboverer) and response to StarMummy 2: FloWman (above) Bee's buzz mightily into the sync web...

Clearly the song entrains perfectly and says: "No, the world will be much better after 2012". Or "Yes, the world of the mind addicted to its fears and concepts will end".
One of the lines in this song is : "And maybe in our second time around we'll both be little bumble bees".

Dead Bees are DB/42 resonating all the DB's Treasure stuff Seth interacts with in Without a Paddle as seen in FloWman.

The Toynbee tiles (also called Toynbee plaques) are messages of mysterious origin found embedded in asphalt in about two dozen major cities in the United States and three South American capitals.[1] Since the 1980s, several hundred tiles have been discovered. They are generally about the size of an American license plate, but sometimes considerably larger. They contain some variation on the following inscription:
What stands out about the Message, since seeing this Seth Green appearance is the BEE and the DEAD parts. Keep in mind this is right after he has watched a film about himself as DAN looking for DB's (42) treasure and narrating a Robot Chicken Spoof of the 2001's journey to Jupiter with the Robin.
The Message talks about "resurrect dead" on planet Jupiter just like the Resurrecting Bumble Bees.
This was briefly noted in a previous post I wrote this past Friday 30 April.
The next morning on May 1 or May Day my roommate calls me excitedly to her room. She shows me a Bumble Bee on her window sill. It's alive but not very active and my roommate says "It's dying". I tell her I will go put it outside and she hands me a cup and a piece or cardboard rapped in cellophane as tools to remove the bee.
When I get outside I look down at the "dying bee" and suddenly realize how perfectly this entrains with the Dead Bee's I had written about the previous day. I stare in a trance at the great mystery in front of me. I then take in what the piece of cardboard is upon which the Bumble Bee is crouched. It is a postcard of the Iconic Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany's. My synchromystic mind immediately decides this must be a clear message to look into Hepburn and/or the film in question. It is also a loud "nudge nudge, wink wink" that the Dead Bee stuff NOW connected to Seth Green and the Toynbee Tiles is too legit to quit.
I made these tweets right after, wishing I had a camera on my BlackBerry..
Just took a dying Bumble Bee out of my the roomies room. "ToynBEE idea in film 2001 resurrect DEAD on planet Jupiter". She gave me a paper to remove the Dying Bee/DB/42. The picture was Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany's. Potent sign to investigate.

"They are generally about the size of an American license plate" (wiki on the Toynbee tiles)
Today I was out for a walk when I decided to look up Audrey Hepburn on IMDB and see what other movies she is in, beyond Breakfast at Tiffany's.

2010: The Year We Make Contact is the sequel to 2001 and again features Jupiter. Alien life is Contacted at Jupiter which then goes Nova and becomes our second sun called Lucifer.
I had a Dead Bee/DB/42 sync with Audrey Hepburn. 42 is Jupiter, the "answer to life the universe and everything" as well as the location of Contact in 2010.
The Blue Bird flies over the Rainbow which resonates 42 as the angle at which light refracts into the spectrum of color.
The syncs are saying Contact is being made and Dead Bees/Bumble Bees, Audrey Hepburn etc are involved in its mechanics.
Strangely the same thing happened with Seth Green as I ended up researching Without a Paddle on the same day I realized it was also his Birthday.
From Syncing.. dam near drowning! an 8 February Sync hole Post:

I ponder what the heck these strikingly similar images could further have in common when desperate googeling reveals...

Rnig Also from Syncwinnipeg on Vimeo.
This Bee materialization in the cabin and during the ceremony happens on May Day and the same day that Jake has his Bee and Audrey Hepburn moment.

Last night, after throwing together Rise of the Red-i to commemorate Star Wars Day (4th May), I decided to watch the movie Kick Ass.

This all takes place beneath a sign which has the letter B on it.
The B points to the Dead Man.

He invokes the Bee through his tagline "Tool up HONEY Bunny".

Wu Tang Clan a.k.a The Killa Bees sing Triumph

BEEcome dead men/wowen and free from the limited conceptualized self.

Killa Bee Method Man in Triumph:
on foreign land, jump the gun out the fryin pan, into the fire
Transform into the Ghostrider, a six-pack
and (A Streetcar Named Desire), who got my back?
nuclearadjective1 of or relating to the nucleus of an atom.• denoting, relating to, or powered by the energy released in nuclear fission or fusion• denoting, possessing, or involving weapons using this energy2 Biology of or relating to the nucleus of a cellORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from nucleus + -ar 1 .nucleusnounthe central and most important part of an object, movement, or group, forming the basis for its activity and growth• Physics the positively charged central core of an atom, containing most of its mass.• Biology a dense organelle present in most eukaryotic cells, typically a single rounded structure bounded by a double membrane, containing the genetic material.• Astronomy the solid part of the head of a comet.• Anatomy a discrete mass of gray matter in the central nervous system.ORIGIN early 18th cent.: from Latin, literally 'kernel, inner part,' diminutive of nux, nuc- 'nut.'
kernelnouna softer, usually edible part of a nut, seed, or fruit stone contained within its hard shell.• the seed and hard husk of a cereal, esp. wheat.• the central or most important part of something.• the most basic level or core of an operating system of a computer, responsible for resource allocation, file management, and security.• Linguistics denoting a basic unmarked linguistic string.ORIGIN Old English cyrnel, diminutive of corn 1 .corenoun1 the tough central part of various fruits, containing the seeds.2 the central or most important part of something, in particulargermnoun1 a microorganism, esp. one that causes disease.2 a portion of an organism capable of developing into a new one or part of one. Compare with germ cell .• the embryo in a cereal grain or other plant seed. Compare with wheat germ .• an initial stage from which something may develop.ORIGIN late Middle English (sense 2) : via Old French from Latin germen 'seed, sprout.' Sense 1 dates from the late 19th cent.essencenounthe intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, esp. something abstract, that determines its character.• Philosophy a property or group of properties of something without which it would not exist or be what it is.• something that exists; in particular, a spiritual entity.• an extract or concentrate obtained from a particular plant or other matter and used for flavoring or scent.ORIGIN late Middle English : via Old French from Latin essentia, from esse 'be.'
Kevin- Its 5/5/10 and the Whole has 555 Posts today too! But this article released today grabbed me on top of that. Wheres all the Hunny?
Updated: from EarthFiles -
U. S. Honey Bee Industry Struggles with 34% Colonies Loss
On April 22, 2010, the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) and the U. S. Department of Agriculture ARS Honey Bee Lab in Beltsville, Maryland, reported, “Preliminary Results: Honey Bee Colonies Losses in the U. S., Winter 2009-2010.”