All science fiction is just the Alchemical King looking for the Queen.
Love Under Will
Cause it's just a story.July 23 is sometimes considered to be the Summer Solstice when the sun is closest to Earth and the dog Star Sirius has it's greatest influence, so saith the Egyptians. On the right is the Blue Pillar. The Male side. The Jupiter side. The Father that says no you don't have to die. The Red side on the Left is the Female side. The Mother side. Father is Jupiter...The Womb of Jupiter.The war of Mom. V is also 5 in Roman Numerals. Viking exploring the new world.
All science fiction is just the Alchemical King looking for the Queen.
All science fiction is just the Alchemical King looking for the Queen.
The middle is the son. Abel. The Jack in the deck of cards between the Queen and King. Dad has mercy...
The Left Pillar is the Red Mother or Lady in Red and is thought of as Will or Free Will... The Right is the Blue and is thought of a Love.
July 23rd is the Summer Solstice and the Sirius Ritual. Talk to the Dead. 7/23 or 42. Just had to repeat that sorry.
The number 93 is of great significance in Thelema, a religion founded by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law (also known as Liber AL vel Legis).[1] The central philosophy of Thelema is in two phrases from Liber AL: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" and "Love is the law, love under will." The two primary terms in these statements are "Will" and "Love", respectively. In the Greek language, they are Thelema (Will) and Agape (Love). Using the Greek technique of isopsephy, which applies a numerical value to letters, the letters of both of these words when added together equal 93: