David Beckham wears the number 23 for the LA Galaxy soccer team.

David Beckham also has his own brand logo which features his initials DB/42.

So David Beckhams initials entrain with the number 42 and he wears the number 23 soccer shirt.
If we combine the 42 and 23 we arrive at 432.
Check out Doug Bolles (DB/42) latest Sync Whole post for more on the
432 (⊙)

If we take a brief look at Beckhams mistress, Victoria Beckham (aka Posh Spice), we find that her logo is also syncnificant.

It features a Panther made from Diamonds.

Lost S6 E7 Dr. Linus
Miles holds up a Diamond in this weeks
Lost perfectly entraining, yet again, with The Whole.

Last week in
S6 E6 Sundown we saw the baseball which connects because we play it on a Diamond.
Keep Your I on the BallBoth the gentlemen holding the sync objects (syncjects? nah...) are of Asian ethnicity...
Back in
Dr. Linus.

Linus writes the name of the island Napoleon was exiled to on a blackboard, ELBA. This is also somewhat Bella aka Kristen Stewart who hangs out with the Diamond skinned Vamps in Twilight.

She holds the Apple.
There is a cluster of words that are truly amazing when we play and/or spin Abe.L (as in Abe Lincoln aka Zeus). Bela or Bella is one of them as is Linus' Elba. Apple is also one if we are not biased about the spinning and doubling of p and b's.
I also like that the apple, baseball and diamond also have heart syncnificance.

Above Linus has moved from the blackboard and we see what Jim called in a Tweet, the Temple of Zeus. Works for me.
Michael Emerson & The Lost Boys
Did you find neverland Corey?

The key to the chariot on the finger of Jupiter. Janus the Doorway God helps us find the
Lock and and turn the Key.

Alice with Keyhole OPENS 5 March, LOCKer wins Oscars 7 March, Corey Haim seen with KEY on Jupiter finger reverse births 10 March.