The Mighty SyncBAD

I have no idea why I thought of looking into SinBAD. Beyond it made me think this:

SinBAD = Sin214 = Sync214 = SyncJupiter.

So Then I notice the Disney SinBAD films.

Mr. Brad Death Pitt/Abyss is SyncJupiter.

Next Lou Ferrigno, the Hulk or Green Man is SinBAD as well.

So I am looking up the film career of SinBAD and I find out he plays a guy named Malik (King of Kings) in the Robert Townsend movie Meteor Man. I notice on the Meteor Man poster there is a Jupiter to the left.

SinBAD and Jupiter on poster says to me download the movie and watch. So I do.

Starts with TINseltown Productions plus Red and Blue stars.

SinBAD. Sin214. Sync214. SyncBAD.

I don't have time right now to spill the beans on my SinBAD work but I must post something because
it led me to The Mighty Quinn. And that speaks volumes. Beautiful song. I look forward to seeing the full movie.