Katherine Bigelow wins the first ever Oscar awarded to a female directer. Hurt LOCKer (the Lock of RE/Ray) also takes best picture.
Goddess has the LOCK, which opens when WE/ME realize the Key.
Katherine holds her heart, the location of the door we are NOW unLOCKing.
Our pain, suffering & hurt is a locker to be opened via acceptance, forgiveness and humility. Inside The Hurt Locker aka Pandora's box is the Joy of Being.
Sandra BulLOCK knows the key and points the way with her Jupiter finger.
All the facets of the doorway God Janus/Jupiter (currently the lock) are now unfolding before our eyes.
(My heart almost exploded with her glowing acceptance speech)
The lock is again highlighted this weekend with the release of The Bounty Hunter.
Let the unlocking begin!
TV's Locke, Terry O'Quinn from Lost, also has the key...
Jim recently discovered that the pointing Jupiter or Index finger means G in sign language. Gerard Butler's hand merges with G above.
KWON/KNOW 42 and unlock!
Lost sees the Ankh feature quite often.
An object associated to the key and somewhat resembling of a keyhole.
Ankh, the LockER, lock of RE.
Major unlocking suggested by the films released on 2 April or 4/2. The lock as cuff/ring above sees the diamond heart.
Oscar weekend sees Alice entrain by peering through the key hole and unlocking the doorway into wonderland.
Alice or Al-ICE, all becomes like diamonds.
BulLOCK giving the Diamond heart inside Pandora's box.
more goddess acknowledgment...
as i watched last night's award ceremonies, more than a few things stuck out sync-wise (Chris Knowles, vigilant as ever, has already put a post together), but given the crazy heart flow here, the commercials for the new Diet Coke special edition can struck me;
eye digress...
if those repetitive "giant heart" diet coke commercials weren't enough, i couldn't stop seeing the giant implied heart shape within the "82" of the 82nd Academy Awards logo;