Most everybody has seen this video but it starts with the Titanic and ends with the exploration that 2012 equals 20+12 or 32 or 23 in reverse and/or 20+1+2 or 23... On the Mayan Calender the Earth, Sol, and Galactic Center line up at what is given to us as Dec 21 2012 at 11:11 Universal Time.

Jim says he realized that 23 had to do with Psalms 23... Which is the most popular of Psalms seeing that it is read through every funeral in the English speaking world...
Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death I shall fear no evil.....
It's about according to he, living without fear.... I can't help but agree.

Billy and Mandy and Bill and Ted.... I see a trend.
But The Grim Reaper is Death or Father Time and his Damn Gears that never stop spinning.

Walking with Death....W or W Bush(23) quotes Psalms 23 on 911.... Plus this video is 4 minutes 24 seconds... Pslams 23 is at 3:27 which equals 42... 42 is the symbols of Jupiter... Jupiter which is not eatin by Time/Saturn/Death/The Grim Reaper.
