I've had this post sitting on the back burner for the last month, but after Will Morgan recently mentioned The Hangover movie in Mad Moon I took it as a sign that I should pull my finger out and finish the job I'd started. So here goes...
As the flowers are being delivered ^, the people inside are discussing wedding plans. In this scene we see that some of Richards Flora Flowers are Yellow. The father-in-law points his jUPiter finger Up reminding me that this Yellow FloWer might be worth pointing out.
So while wondering about the Mercedes-Benz and Triangle/Tiger/Cat connection, I came across this advert.
Pretty perfect as the Blue Sun or '2nd Sun/Son' is a symbol of the birth of Christ Consciousness, the meaning of Christmas."
On closer inspection of Jakes photo I noticed that Lady Liberty (LL/77/27) could be found pointing Up towards the illuminated Blue Ball.
The Mercedes Pyramid/Trinity symbol also aligns perfectly with Lady Liberty's Halo.
(JC) Julius Caesar was said to have been stabbed 23 times in the back, giving us a link to JC23.
JC23 happens to be the name of Jim Carreys production company which ties all this in nicely with The Fool/Crazy, and the post Mad Moon. Having read Jims post it makes more sense to me why these four Fools stand beneath the Chariot of the Blue Sun. It's the Chariot that all Fools must learn to ride.
Notice above that the Wheel of the Chariot/Wheelchair aligns with Dougs head, creating a large golden Halo. Remember that we saw this Blue Sun Halo on Doug earlier on at the Gas station.
Anyway, once the four Fools settle into their rooms they decide to go Up in the elevator to the very top floor and climb a ladder onto the roof of Ceasars Palace. As they unite under the Moon in preperation for the jovial night ahead of them, we see the word Flamingo (in Pink) in the background.
Alan, the craziest Fool of the group, is now wearing a Rainbow chain around his neck. He enters the bathroom (a place we could associate with Water/Pisces and the Age of Aquarius) and begins freaking out at the sight of this Tiger:
50,000 volts. Eye of the Tiger. Ride the Lightning.
The Red tazer light gradually comes to rest on the location of the third eye.
Apparently the Pineal regulates our sleep/dream patterns. It's also associated with hallucinations/visions, and the opening of the spiritual Eye/I.
50,000 volts. Eye of the Tiger. Ride the Lightning.
The school kid squeezes his Jupiter Finger and a lightning bolt strikes Alans Red-I, knocking him unconscious. It makes me think that kids are playing a key role in our awakening process. Children have the natural ability of sending their energy straight to the source. Children help to empower The Fool.
I watched The Hangover a couple of days after reading Jakes Yellow Sunflower In The Shell. When I noticed the same symbolism that Jake had discussed, only this time on the front of Alan's T-Shirt, it made me think that this guys role was particularly important.
The plant/tree emerging from the crown makes me think of a bridge which connects us to Plant Consciousness, to Gaia, Mother Earth. It reminds me the hair link that the Na'vi in Avatar use to plug themselves into the spirit of their planet. It's what keeps them connected to their Goddess Pandora. I like to think that we all plug into Gaia in a similar way. There's an invisible thread that allows us to hear the heart beat of Mother Earth. We just need to learn how to tune in to it.
Actress Mel Streep starred alongside Nicholas Cage in the movie Adaptation (see poster above) and she recently made an appearance in a post called It's Complicated.
Shortly after coming across Jims banner above I noticed that The Hangover poster also features the O containing the letters THE. It's another example of THEO, or GOD.
We've seen that the God Jupiter/Zeus has more than a few things in common with the Tiger. So where does the Goddess fit into the scheme of things?
What role does Lady Liberty have to play as we journey into the I of the Tiger?
If we start with Meryl Streep (seen earlier in Jims It's Complicated banner) we find that she entrains with the Ginger Cat (or Tiger) in her new movie based on a book called Dewey.
The Dark Matter/Mater/Mother/MoM has a thousand different names and wears a thousand different masks, like Gaia, Mary, Isis, Juno, Kali, Shakti, Iris, or Frejya, to name just a few. The Dark Mother is the Female deity who is often associated with the Cat.
The Norse Goddess Freyja rode through the heavens in a Chariot pulled by Cats while the Sumerian Goddess Inanna/Ishtar was often shown standing on the back of the Lion.
If we take Kali as another example of the Dark Mother, we find that she's often depicted riding on the back of the Bengal Tiger. The Cat is most definitely the Chariot of the Dark Goddess.
I like how Jennifer Connoley also starred in a movie called Dark City, or Dark Kitty.
Isis is yet another Dark Kitty/Black Cat resonator. In this comic cover we see that the tip of her spear points towards the Black Whole, or Black Sun, the Galactic Heart.
Each aspect of the Dark Mother (Isis/Kali/Juno/Lady Liberty/etc) seems to lead back to the Heart in one way or another.
In the book 2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy, author Daniel Pinchbeck wrote a little about the wrathful side of the Goddess.
I read that: 'According to Hinduism and Buddhism, we are currently in the Kali Yuga, ruled by Kali, the dark mother, Shakti's wrathful aspect, who liberates through decapitating. When we explore our current reality through this mythological, archetypal, and suprapersonal prism, we reach a level of insight beyond the stereotypical critique that sees modern civilization as patriarchal and women as victims. In the Kali Yuga, it is the feminine current of Shakti energy that has gone berserk - like an electric line that is cut, shooting out sparks - not the masculine Shiva principle of consciousness.
During this Aeon, the lunar, sinister current of the Feminine Daimonic is at its zenith, a spiritual condition which allows for the breaking up of all boundaries and the free play of creative chaos, unrestricted by the male ordering principle. The Kali Yuga could be characterized as the goddess Shakti throwing a hissy fit. When such a powerful diety goes haywire, the entire Earth suffers and strains from her fury.'
That last line brings to mind imagery of what recently took place in Haiti. When the Dark Mother/Gaia releases her frustration on the planet, watch out! Considering recent events it's natural to feel a little uneasy about what the age of the Kali Yuga has in store for us. It's natural to fear the wrath of the Earth MoM.
In this banner we find the Golden Boy/Horus/JC side by side with Dark MoM (Meryl Streep).
Actress CATe Blanchett, who played the role of Queen Elizabeth, has the Cat in her name, and also happens to look like one.
I was recently browsing the banners and artwork over at the newly-born Synch Hole and noticed that James Ratte had included the Queen in this illustration called Circumcision. Notice that James gave the Queen the body of the Tiger. The themes in his picture entrain perfectly with Queen Kali, the Decapitator. The Dark MoM.
I noticed that James also depicted the Queen with her head peeking in from the side of the picture. I think this is very revealing because I keep coming back to the idea that the Cat-woman/Dark MoM prefers to remain hidden in the shadows. She never wants to come fully into view, prefering to keep her distance, out on the periphery, while still keeping a watchful Eye on things.
In this Eye of the Cat poster we find the Cat and the Chariot/Wheel Chair (think Freyja) associated with the MATR/TEAR.
The Cat's-Eye of the Dark Mother helps us navigate the Black Road ahead. The Cat's-Eye illuminates the path.
The ancient Maya called this Dark Rift/Black Road by the name Xibalba:
The womb is where the Black Sun is born.
Guess whose up for the role of the Cat-woman?
Heck, she even walks like one!
She provides the Bridge to the Otherside.
Just like we saw earlier with Jennifer Connolley.
Even CATe Blanchett, Queen of the Elves, is at it:
I've been curious about the Dark MoM for a couple of years now and I keep coming across the same reoccuring theme. Dark MoM prefers the shadows. She has no problem using her feline stealth to remain hidden. But because of this stealth, it's hard to find her. You can never quite pin her down. She doesn't come looking for you, so you're only option is to go looking for her. You've got to start walking her path before she'll reveal herself.
Last week I had a dream which helped me come to this same conclusion. In the dream I was walking into a dense lush rain forest and as I climbed up a mound of mossy boulders I suddenly entered a large bright clearing. The trees seemed to have been pushed back in a large circle and in this huge open space I noticed a giant female figure made out of trees, vines, and all manner of vegetation. She towered high above me. I knew instantly that this was the Dark Mother of the Forest. Gaia. She was introducing herself to me via the beautiful forest clearing, but as I stared up at her in awe I noticed that she was sitting/squatting, with her knees pulled up tight to her forehead, so that her face was completely obscured. Her arms were wrapped around her head as if she was deliberately trying to hide her face. She was happy for me to see her body, to see the outline of her form, but she didn't want me to see her true identity. Gaia seems to like keeping it a mystery. She doesn't want to be defined.
This recent rain forest dream reminded of another I had a few years ago. I was standing in front of a large glass wall that strethced off to the horizon for as far as I could see. On the otherside of the wall I could see the ocean, cool blue water stretching off to infinity. I was standing on sand at the bottom of the ocean floor, but the glass wall divided me from the water. In the distance, flashing in and out of view I saw what looked like a shy dolphin. As I concentrated on the figure I realized that it had arms and long flowing hair. It was the Lady of the Lake. Dark MoM. I wanted to go and swim with her so I put my hand to the glass only to find that there was no glass. The wall had simply been an illusion. My hand passed through the divide and straight into the cool ocean. I trusted that I was supposed to follow the mermaid so I closed my eyes and walked into the ocean. As I found myself floating in the water I realized I could still breathe. It was an awesome feeling to be underwater without the worry of oxygen. I noticed the figure darting about in the shadows up ahead of me so I quickly swam towards her. I caught up to the mermaid and we started swimming in circles around each other, like two playful kids. The annoying thing was that when I tried to look at her face, to try and make out her features, she kept on blowing bubbles into my eyes. I could only ever snatch fleeting glimpses of her, which annoyed the hell out of me. I knew she was blinding me on purpose.
The bubbles frustrated me so much that I snapped out of the dream, but I woke up feeling great because deep down I knew that I'd just made contact with Mary/Mari, the Marine Goddess, or Lady of the Lake. Gaia.
Shortly after that dream I watched the movie The Island. In the intro I was stunned to find actress Scarlett Johanssen acting like the mermaid from my dream. The imagery was nearly identical.
*Update: I just had the pleasure of reading Jakes new post The Found Tin where he took a look at the movie Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Dream Master. Jake looked at how Freddy Kreuger entrains with the Tiger-striped planet Jupiter. In one of Freddy's victims rooms there is a poster of a sexy woman lying on a Tiger, next to a Golden Boy statue and the words 'Sweet Dreams!'.
In a dream sequence later on in the movie we see the same poster, only this time the woman has now disappeared from the photo.
The boy finds the Tiger-woman, our surrogate Dark MoM, trapped within his waterbed. He tries desperately to break through the glass (the illusory wall) in order to help save the Mermaid. This image is so uncannily similar to my dream that it makes my head wobble.
It makes sense to me that Dark MoM would communicate with us via our dreams, as one of her aspects is Juno, Goddess of Jupiter. In this painting entitled 'The House of Dreams' we see Juno riding on a Chariot pulled by Peacocks. Angels surround her, messengers who deliver Junos gifts in the Dreamscape.
Notice that the people below are sound asleep. The Dark Mother speaks to us via the subconscious mind, which is one of the reasons why she's so effective at remaining out of sight. That's probably why few of us seem to notice the influence she has over our lives.
I want to finish this off with one more scene from The Hangover. Near the end of the movie the guys retrieve their Mercedes/Jupiter/Juno-mobile, and enter an underground tunnel. At this point in the movie The Fools are symbolically travelling the path of the Black Road. Having taken this perilous route they've managed to make sense out of their current predicament. The amnesia, unconsciousness, is beginning to wear off because they're finally getting to the Heart of the Matter.
At first none of the guys in the car notice that they have an extra passenger on board. This is because Dark MoM, in the form of the Tiger, has chosen to remain silent. When she does decide to make her presence known, everyone in the car is given the shock of their lives.
I believe that 2010 will be a year when the Dark Mother makes herself more apparent in each of our lives. Kali is on a mission to liberate, and I have a feeling that any resistance is futile. I think that this could be the year when Dark MoM makes us all go WoW!
We can let her force her way inside, smashing glass with roars and snarls.
Time will surely tell.
Thanks for reading.
In the end of The Mentalist S2 E13 Redline Robin Tunney drives off in a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren.
Not just any Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren mind you, no my friend, this is the 722S, a limited edition of only 150 units.
I know nothing about cars but I spent quite a bit of time last week looking into this scene and reading up on the car. Couldn't figure out why, apart from the 722 being a resonator of the number 27 which I have been enjoying syncing with lately.
Then Ri¢hie Ri¢h drops The Overhang above making the trident connect and deciding they are Tigers!? Dig it so much..
One more thing that has been baking my noodle...
I like just keep running into Janis Joplin syncs...
Here is Edward Norton looking for clues in Red Dragon. He sees a VHS - these big clunky things we used to have when I was a kid that ran on something called 'tape' - of Jaws. Now Jaws is interesting for very many reasons but lets just stick with how I recently ran into a mention of it being the interpretation of Hexagram 27.
Hexagram 27 is named 頤 (yí), "Swallowing". Other variations include "the corners of the mouth (providing nourishment)", "jaws" and "comfort/security". Its inner trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = (雷) thunder, and its outer trigram is ☶ (艮 gèn) bound = (山) mountain. From Wiki
Norton pulls out a drawer, covering the Jaws/27 sync with a whole bunch of new goodies including Janis which I believe is the 1974 doc about Janis Joplin.
I kinda remember getting the Janis Joplin bug when I read many moons ago that Zooey Deschanel was to play her in a biopic which seems to be on hold now.
See Gospel According to Janis.
I somehow stumbled her Porsche noting it is painted with the sync favorite, the Yellow Flower and Blue Bird/Butterfly.
I wanted to call my update "Oh Lord Wont You Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz" having heard a pop song like that as a teen. Silly me, while Googleling it, I realize this was a Janis song originally.
Seriously, that just happened..
I cant help but think that Janis is another wink to Janus, double headed god of doorways/stargates and variant of Jupiter.
(Now I cant even figure out whether I intended to write about Janis because of Jaws/27 and it sounding like Janus before or after realizing the Mercedes-Benz connect, totally confused now. A part of me thinks I just time traveled?!)
Then yet again realizing what should stand out from the beginning, having to first run a silly maze starting with Tunney and Jaws!, syncs that are probably obvious to many of you, I make the "27 Curse" connect.
The Curse of 27 is the belief that 27 is an unlucky number due to the number of famous musicians and entertainers who have died at the age. Robert Johnson, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, Janis Joplin, Jonathan Brandis and Kurt Cobain are all believed to have been affected by the curse of 27. This is also known as the 27 Club.
The Curse of 27 - Wiki
Wow. I feel like I just got to the bottom of what's been bugging me about Janis by just floWing with the syncs. I mean, syncs and insight are bottomless but there is a nice comfortable depth to be reached for each individual subject...
Bonus sync!
Ri¢hie Ri¢h mentions Meryl Streep as Dark MoM. Dark MoM as the Devil.
The Devil Wears Prada sees Anne Hathaway with pitchfork trident on a ruby red 'slipper'.
Trident strange attracts to Hathaway's head in Valentines Day.