James recently pointed out that 'William Wallace' (seen above) was also the name of one of Abe Lincolns sons. I figured the banner tied in with recent themes explored on this blog and thought that was the end of it.
After finishing the front of the Snowman my daughter suggested we turn the back of him into a Snowgirl. We added some breasts and the lump of snow gradually evolved into a Hermaphrodite: half-female half-male. Once we completed the body I couldn't resist a quick squeeze.
I'm not sure what it means, but I suppose it all points to the (s)NOW.
"The multiple faces on the Lord Marshal's mask-helm represent his all-seeing astral eyes. The spine motif on the back of all Necromonger armor relates to the notion of "Purification" through the spine."
the armor is called Mockodile
from wiki
Janus (or Ianus; "archway") was the god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings and endings ... you might see I deal with the subject here
Actor Sam Worthington played the character 'Jake Sully' in Avatar. The name Sully entrains with the Blue MONstar (Avatar) called 'Sully' from the movie

Jared Leto's latest movie role landed him in a wheelchair.
Jared, who plays John Lennon's killer Mark Chapman in 'Chapter 27', revealed gaining 60lbs to play Chapman left him unable to walk.
He said: "My body was in shock from the amount of weight I gained. I don't know if it was gout - but I had a definite problem with my feet. I couldn't walk for long distances. I had a wheelchair because it was so painful."
The wheelchair points to the Chariot which helps guide us towards/through the Doorway of Duality, overseen by the Two-faced Janus. To me it's about moving beyond previous limitations. Getting back on your feet. Moving forward again after a period of immobility.
I wonder if JANUs has anything to do with the Doorway of JANUary, which has just come to a close.
I posted in the next post too
here's the heads