Heterosexual Supremacists Run to SCOTUS To Prevent Cameras

The plot keeps on thickening in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the federal constitutional challenge to Proposition 8. The heterosexual supremacists who are promoting the ban on marriage equality added to California's constitution in 2008 have filed an emergency appeal to Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy for a stay on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that the trial (which is set to start on January 11th) can be videotaped and uploaded to YouTube daily as well as simulcast to federal courtrooms in Pasadena, Portland, Seattle and Brooklyn (which of these 4 is not like the others!)

Karen Ocamb of LGBT POV has the latest details.

Chad Griffin of the American Foundation for Equal Rights issued a statement on the move by the "Defendant-Intervenors" in the Proposition 8 case asking the highest court in the land to postpone the trial in order to settle the question of whether it can be "broadcast" in any form:
"Those who want to ban gay marriage spent millions of dollars to reach the public with misleading ads, rallies and news conferences during the campaign to pass Prop. 8. We are curious why they now fear the publicity they once craved. Apparently transparency is their enemy, but the people deserve to know exactly what it is they have to hide."
Makes you go, hmmm, right?