To those like myself unversed in Angel Mythos we'll just keep this simple.... Or try to. According to Jewish Mysticism via the Kabbalah tree of life we find ten Seperoths or Circles. Each of these "Circles" have magical correspondences under the theory that once something is connected to something else that it shall always be linked to the same through out history(sounds like quantum physics if you ask me). This is "same same" with Sycro, infact it is very simple, Abe Lincoln would not be named Abe if not for the Abe in the Bible. If you go into a pizzeria called The Fall of Rome, then the pizzeria and the true fall of Rome are intimately connected.... If Rome never fell then there would be no pizzeria. Or else it would be called something like Little Caesar's....
So with that in mind we look for the Kabbalah correspondence to Jupiter and we are introduced to Chesed or Mercy.

Genesis 22:1-24 Got yer attention on those numbers didn't I...
The story goes as such. Abraham is told by god to kill his son Isaac... So he travels with his son to said mount that god has given and has his son hike up the firewood for the sacrifice. Isaac is clueless and says...
"Hey, pops, where's the animal we're gonna roast?"
Abe replies honestly...
"God's will provide one."
And as the old man is ready to cut his son's gullet enter the angel of Jupiter/Mercy to give Abe a Ram instead..... Lucky Abe.
JaWeS ; I started to read some Manly Hall again ... I'm posting what caught my attention today.
Serapis often shown standing on the back of the sacred crocidile, carrying in his left hand a rule with which to measure the inundations of the Nile, and balancing with his right hand a curious emblem consisting of an animal with three heads. The first head - that of a lion - signified the present; the second head - that of a wolf- the past; and the third head - that of a dog - the future. The body with its three heads was enveloped by the twisted coils of a serpent. Firures of Serapis are occasionally accompanied by Cerberus, the three-headed dog of Pluto, and - like Jupiter - carry baskets of grain upon their heads.
Abraxas when added together result in the sum of 365, just like Mithras. Serapis was called the Theon Heptagrammaton, or the god with the name of seven letters, like Abraxas and Mithras.
The Egyptian Mystery Schools were divided into the Lesser Mysteries - Isis - and the Greater Mysteries - Serapis and Osiris.
The Thunderbolts of Jupiter are emblematic of his disintregrative power; they reveal the purpose of death, which is to rescue the rational soul from the devouring power of the irrational nature.
Esoterically, the Hanged Man is the human spirit which is suspended from heaven by a single thread. Wisdom, not death, is the reward for this voluntary sacrifice during which the human soul, suspended above the world of illusion, and meditating upon its unreality, is rewarded by the achievement of self-realization.
"Behold the Light of Egypt! This Light which ye behold is the secret luminance of the Mysteries. Whence it comes none knoweth, save the 'Master of the Light'" ... the heart changed into an ibis, and the brain into a shining emerald. In Its hand this mysterious Being bore a winged rod, entwined with serpents. "All hail Thee, Thoth Hermes, Thrice Greatest; all hail Thee, Prince of Men, all hail Thee who standeth upon the head of Typhon!" At the same instant a lurid writhing dragon appeared - a hideous monster, part serpent, part crocidile, and part hog.
Thoth Hermes Trismegistus is known for reforming the calender system from 360 days to 365 days.
This light that is Thoth Hermes is the Green Sun, or is atleast a Green Light. Which is also the speculative color of Black holes.
The Mayans had three calenders, one was a 360 day (lunar?), one a 365 sun calender and another I guess the long count
JaWeS again ... glad you liked the able SE ... check this out

thank you for finding me

JaWeS: 27 / 72 and 37 / 73 are all intimately related as they all related to nested platonic spheres and specifically the numbers used in Bible studies to describe many different things, mostly about Jesus ... seeing GC poke his head around the 27 rubix cube number is nifty but GC is 73 / 37
AbE L is the first murder victim ... pEAL the ONiON ...
That Fantastic Fox movie is reviewed at my website here.