I also like that the panel sharing the 'Gas Giant' has dialogue including the word "badmouth". BAD as 214 alphabetically shows how the word resonates jUPiter.
Jack nicknames the little 'Gas Giant' he has created "Gloria".
Right after reading this issue I got in the car still pondering this Gloria/Jupiter sync when the DJ on the radio starts talking about a DJ or MC Jupiter.

I'm quite taken with her, I must say. She seems to express the desperate and necrotic extremes of our consensus situation quite beautifully. I am hopeful when our art so clearly reflects where we are psychologically and spiritually stuck, regardless of whether this is the intention of the artist or not. I would guess it is not. If something is visible, it is in consciousness and consciousness inevitably heals stuck energy. Hell, I would go so far as saying allot of pop and hip-hop is a valuable mirror for us to see and recognize our disease so we can process and heal it. I always feel this when I watch a typical Will Farrel movie, which I usually enjoy.
Bad Romance is currently number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100. It shows how loudly jUPiter is coming through the sync web right now.
Jim has pointed out the extreme high resonance of mystery surrounding Valentines Day this year and its connection to Jupiter in 2010 Matrix Code. Valentines Day is a day of romance making Bad Romance even more susynct as a reflection of subtle forces at work in our consciousness.

Only after did I notice how both Gigi and Gaga have a highlighted singular I/Eye of Consciousness.
Lady Gaga then expresses Jupiter via wanting Bad Romance and by the Twin G's.

Just a little something about Gloria, the name of Jack B. Quick's planet resonating Jupiter.

"It's people!"
Not 24 hrs after the subject came up as related to Jupiter.