Continued from the 2010 Matrix Code read

Abraham Lincoln is born on the same day as Charles Darwin.
February 12th, 1809.
Lincoln brings a whole new flavour to the mix.
First he dies by gun. The gun being symbolic of the Trigger/Jupiter/index Finger.
But what is interesting is not so much the man, but rather the monument build in his honour in DC.
The statue of Lincoln is really a statue of Jupiter.
His birthday is February 12 and this year the 2010 Olympics are perfectly timed to honour the King of the Gods.
Notice the 12 pillars across. The reflecting pool makes it 2 groups of 12 pillars or 2/12 which is February 12.
Is February 12th Jupiter's Birthday?
Funny how the 2010 Olympics open on the same day as people do ritual at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.
I also know that the Lincoln Memorial has been in countless movies.
It must be a sync bomb.
For instance. Take Nicholas Cage.
Here is below in National Treasure and he is aligned with Jupiter.
Cage is BAD/214/Jupiter resonating as well as his newest movie is Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call. Suitably he is a guy that pulls a trigger/jupiter finger which is another pointer to Lincoln and February 12. Here we have the Feb. 12 and Feb. 14/Valentine's Day/Year of the Tiger axis highlighted once again.
Cage is the 2/14 and Lincoln is the 2/12.

Richard: I've been seeing the Cage all over the place these days. I recently wrote about a few of these examples in
Blue star 27.
The pillars of the Lincoln Monument reminded me of prison bars - a Cage containing Abe/Zeus. Like lightning trapped in a bottle.
Shortly after reading Mr. Morgans
Just My Luck (a post focusing on Abraham Lincoln, Nicholas Cage, and the Butterfly/Mothman) I was doing a google search and came across this image.

It makes me think that the Cage could also be symbolic of the chrysallis. If Abraham Lincolns birthday is February 12th then maybe this is the day when the Butterfly, having finally completed its metamorphosis, is due to be born. Consciousness hatching into the next phase of its evolution.
Nicholas Cages interlinked fingers suggest to me that everything's Coming Together right on schedule.

For more on the Blue Butterfly, check out ViolatoRs superb new video
Blue Birds Fly.

Splash sees many many great Twin Pillar syncs. This one has Tom Hank's profile merge with the WTC as we dissolve from one scene to the next.

Lincoln/Zeus/Jupiter comes up as Madison the Mermaid discovers TV.

She is fascinated by the Blue Gel of ColGATE. The Blob like GEL is also LEG, perhaps a Peg Leg sync as a mermaid has somewhat one tail or peg leg.

John Candy, Tom Hanks and Eugene Levy sneak into the governments lock up facility where they are keeping the mermaid once she has been discovered. It's door reeds B-42/Jupiter.

Recently departed for the infinite, one Mr Patrick Swayze is heading for a training lesson in Ghosting 101 at platform 42. Of course we are watching 1990's "Ghost". Funny how the stars that die seem to be good sync strange attractors for current affairs. Just think about recent syncs involving Micheal Jackson and Brittany Murphy. A Pop Star that stops shining, like a celestial phenomena, seems to be a marker of events on Earth.
In the still above he is on train 2077, numbers of the G-Star.

At platform 42/jUPiter his lessons include pushing a Pepsi bottle top with his pointer/jUPiter finger..
This is Indras Net's iconic sync wink.

and trying to kick a Mountain Dew Tin/Jupiter can. All these jUPiters syncs at platform 42, very nice.

Allot of cool things happen at his lover, Demi Moore's, Blue Door.

He gets a Blue Spirit Palm - especially applicable as he is a spirit himself - another variant of Blue Sun/Star.

Here is the real kicker, perfectly relevant to what Jim has discovered about Lincoln. Patrick's final proof to Moore that he really exists is moving this penny with Lincolns head, using the lessons learned at platform 42. In the film Moore as Molly Jensen (MJ) can't see or hear him owing to him being a ghost.

The penny slides UP her Blue Door owing to Spirit Patrick pushing it with his jUPiter finger!

From JM's perspective it tips from the door by itself, floats through the air and lands on her palm giving her a highlighted palm. Palms with markers resonate Christs and Buddhas.

The Lincoln coin manipulated by SpiriT and the jUPiter pointer.
Lincoln and Jupiter, together at last!
Jim: OK have to let it out.

This next addition to the 2010 Matrix Code is fully attributed to
StrangeEye who brought this to my attention in the comments of this post. Thanks.
But so beautiful is this:
On February 12 of this year, The New York Philharmonic will perform Mozart's Jupiter Symphony. Perfectly su'synct with everything else Jovian pointing to that date.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's last symphony before he died, his 41st, was called Jupiter.
Mozart's 42 symphony is Jupiter itself.
His final song is death itself.
The eternal song 42.
I find Coldplays's song 42 reveals this connection between the Other Side/Death and Jupiter.
"Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living in my head oh…
And since I fell for that spell
I am living there as well oh…"
Now Wolgang Amadeus Mozart is a fascinating name.
Think: Flowgang Lovegod OM OZ Art.

The Amadeus movie poster art reminds me of the Zeus/Abe statue pose. Complete with a monster mouth hat and wide open third eye. Suitably a Golden Boy stands guard.

Today I decide to look into the actor who does the voice for the Abraham Lincoln statue in the movie Night At the Museum 2. I just saw this last October on my flight down to Peru.
Turns out the actor Hank Azaria does the voice for both Abe as well as the Thinker statue, as well he plays the role of Kahmunrah, the awakened Egyptian Pharaoh.


Where the sync gets interesting is when I realize he plays Abraham in the movie Year One released in 2009.
He plays both Abraham Lincoln and the biblical Abraham of Genesis. (Both in films released not soon after each other.)

The Thinker, Ra, the Lincoln Statue, Abraham "The Father" all resonate with Jupiter. How perfect that Hank Azaria helps us "see" this more clearly.
After being blown away by Richard's new post Blue Star 27, and Richard bringing up cages, I thought more so how the Statue of Abe "Jupiter" Lincoln is like a Cage.
Perhaps a Dog Cage, or should we say a God Cage.
Hank Azaria is in the film The Birdcage which puts our Jupiter resonating actor into the Cage squarely.
Here we have Jupiter (Azaria) and Robin together in a cage.
Mr. Azaria also resonates Richard's new thread of Yellow Hands as he is the voice of many of the Simpson Characters, all who have Yellow Hands. He is the voice of Apu, Chief Wiggum, Moe among others.
Now where it get weird is that Abraham Lincoln, the real one ( not the statue played by Hank Azaria ) comes from Springfield, Illinois, which also so happens to be the name of the fictional city of the Simpson's.
Mr Hank Azaria is a beautiful rubix cube of synctastic revelation!

The code continues....

How does a Bird escape its Cage?
With its Wings of course!
Tom Hanks becomes trapped on an Island (or imprisoned within a Cage) in the movie Cast Away:

After many years in isolation, the Wings on this package finally inspire him to make his escape:
The Wings lead Tom to freedom, and once he arrives home they then help him find love.
Ewan Macgregor undergoes similar trials and tribulations in The Island:
After discovering that The Island is an illusion, and realizing that he's been living inside a Cage his entire life, Ewan McGregor begins looking for a way out.
McGregors character is called LINCOLN (as in Abraham) Six Echo:

In this instance it's the Wings of the Butterfly/Moth which help to set him free:

The Wings lead Lincoln home, and home is where the Heart is.

Earlier on we saw the Wings of the Butterfly linked to the Cage:
The Butterfly/Bird both point to the same thing.
Abraham entrains with the Eagle Wings:
And so does Zeus/Jupiter:Prepare for take-off!
Jim: I have just finished an Ayahuasca ceremony and of course can not sleep. Checking out the Sync Whole at this time and its still buzzin' with flow.
I decided to jump over and check out if there are any new movie posters and I notice a bunch of new posters for The Lightning Thief to be released on February 12th as mentioned before.
Right off the bat I take note of the poster for ZEUS. Finally a poster that just flat out says ZEUS.

Who is the actor that plays Zeus? Well Mr. Sean Bean. We know Sean Bean as Dr. Merrick from the movie the Island just mentioned by Richard.
What does this mean?
Well that I would need my mind to decipher and right now my mind has escaped me.