the Sprint NOW Network costs 42 dollars and fifty cents a month. "42 people just broke up by email" They are monitoring your phone calls including exactly what the conversation is about, how else would they know that most people are talking about diapers?
Jake and Zoe, the Twin Blue Stars of Avatar, stand with pointer/arrow aimed at 'other'. As a Jake myself I share resonance with this character.
Valentines day - a day that easily resonates the Arrow and Bow for obvious reasons - sees the actual start of the Chinese Year of the Tiger. Fascinating then that our Blue Skinned striped cats/tigers from Avatar like to shoot arrows while falling in love themselves.
The point is Jupiter as we have seen in the Jupiter Finger phenomena.
The pointer finger being associated to planet Jupiter. Jupiter consciousness is the dawning of the awareness that all is Joy and Self. We are not our minds or thoughts nor any forms that surround us, WE/ME are the field of Consciousness inside of which the forms arise. This is Jupiter and the reason why when we point with an arrow or finger at 'other', the Zen joke is that it's always Jupiter or ourselves we are invoking. The very act of pointing elicits Jupiter and self aligned with Self. Self is other and other is self.
The point that Jupiter is the point is to realize that your own already present, consciousness of being conscious, is the point. This is the I-I, Cosmic Consciousness (K2) or the Twin Blue Stars.
Clearly something fucked up is happening in Winnipeg.
-Synchromysticism was birthed here.
-The consciousness manifesting Ayahuasca ceremonies of Shaman Jim and Juan Flores happen here.
-All in the Shadow of the Third Temple of Solomon or Manitoba's Legislative Building decoded by Frank Albo.
Considering Jim's observations about 12 of February (Zeus/Jupiter resonating film Percy Jackson opening on same day as Olympics, sports event in celebration of Zeus!) and 14th (Start of the year of the Tiger and Valentines/Cupid/Love day), check out these syncs:
This is Star Trek Next Gen episode "Qpid" where Picard and crew are made into Robin Hood and his Merry Men by god like being Q. The arrow shooting antics of the Merry Men of Sherwood forest sync perfectly with Cupids valentines resonating arrow/pointer. The synchromystic collective of The Sync Whole have always been inspired and modeled after the Robin Hood's Merry Men, just check the images on the sidebar that have been here since the start of this blog. This episode is S4 E20 or 420, code for Jupiter. Arrows point to Jupiter, Cupid/Qpid points to Jupiter & 420 points to Jupiter.
Pointing points to jUPiter, dig?
As the founder of The Sync Whole and popularizer of synchromysticism my role in the Merry Men has been often suggested as Robin Hood by members of this blog. Very interesting as Jake Sully shoots his bow in Avatar and Robin Hood does the same.
Television series Cupid S1 E5 "Shipping Out".
This show is about a man who believes he is the god Cupid and plays matchmaker with people he doesn't know.
We see Robin being invited by phone to cater in New York from her small town diner "Robin's Nest". The Robin is my animal familiar and resonates Robin Hood.
Robin's Nest has "Fresh Crab". Crab/Cancer is the sign at the top of the Arch/Rainbow and the Keystone. Manitoba, in the heart centre of the continent, is called the Keystone province. Cupid's arrow points at the Heart or Winnipeg. Bear with me..
Cupid sets Robin up with a man who she falls in love with right as he learns he must leave for a military tour in Iraq.
She discovers he plans to go A.W.O.L when finding his plane ticket to Winnipeg. Robin, being sent for by Cupid, discovers her man is heading to Winnipeg. The story of humanity realizing where Heart City is.
See Heart City video for more.
Heart City from Jake Kotze on Vimeo.
Playing it safe they both decide he should rather do his time in Iraq and she will wait for his return. They say good buy at a base where he leaves in a yellow Bus/Sub (the golden chariot, merkaba) mudflap reading Blue Bird. The Blue Bird is the Blue Star's animal which teaches us to fly over the Rainbow where we encounter Joy.Whether Joe flies to Winnipeg or leaves by Yellow Submarine, his destiny, the symbols show, is to journey to the loving heart.
Where ever you are ultimately is the loving heart. Yet in the drama of form our bodies have a heart as does the awakening of consciousness pulsing from Winnipeg picked up increasingly via sync.
This is the Bus/Sub that took me into 2010. Me and a chum had to take a coach to get to our 2010 party venue and back. The bus had the Twin Blue Suns of 2010 painted on its side.
Enter Robin Tunney's current pop TV show The Mentalist S2 E10 "Throwing Fire" resonating 2010 in name and also being the last episode and bookend of 2009 airing 17 December (the next one arrived on 14th Jan..).
Robin Tunney also resonates the leader of the Merry Men. She is a key pointer.
Synopisis from tv.com
The CBI team investigate the murder of a former professional baseball player, who has started his own baseball talent scouting and training facility for young up-and-coming baseball talents. During the investigation, Jane is knocked out by a baseball and flashes back to his past as a stage performer.
We cold open and the founder of the baseball academy has been killed in his Zen garden as the numbers 421 surround the corpse. 421 like 420 is code for jUPiter.
Tunney as Teresa Lisbon and the CBI investigate...
In the end we will learn it was Jupiter Calidos who killed the man with a bat, susynct as we saw the 421 suggesting jUPiter from the get go. Rainbow lens flares dance around Jupiter and his victim. Rainbows happen when light refracts at 42 degrees, a jUPiter number.
Rainbow Star from Jake Kotze on Vimeo.
Jupiter killing a Zen practitioner - one who moves beyond ego - clearly shows that jUPiter will kill your limited perception of self and individual form identity.Tunney's profile merges with jUPiter.
Tunney has been in frame with jUPiter before in this still from the extras of The Craft DVD which I recently re watched..
Noting with delight she carries the Blue Bird as totem animal to one of her big magickal ceremonies. The Blue Bird of Joy and the creature from the Blue Star. I love what you discover when you revisit old material with the added depth one acquires as things flux.
The Blue Bird flying under Twin Blue Stars, Jake and Zoe in Avatar.
Patrick Jane watches Baseball and suspected murdered Jupiter while eating Sunflower seeds. The sunflowers mark Jupiter as the flowering Twin Star/Sun. Jupiter is on his phone during this sunflower sync showing how we contact jUPiter when the flowering of consciousness takes place.
While standing in the Zen garden Tunney and Patrick have the Yellow Ribbon/Robin pass through their profiles. The Yellow Way is the 'brick road' to OZ/PAN/77/GG/27.
Robin's title credit in episode 2/10 is over the blindfolded young Patrick Jane an Illuminating torch and capstone less freakin pyramid!
A giant Blue Star with the head of Patrick sits at the apex. The 2 Blue Eye's/I's of the head transform this pyramid from the old school singular eye dollar bill 'thingemagick' into the Twin Blue Suns of 2010.
Unfortunately, no one can be told what The Matrix Code is. You have to see it for yourself.
JaWeS :
With his Jupiter Finger he points to WE
2 X 11 = KK = 22
the Wheel
the tips of wings
all aboard the forKKer
half boat
half plane
all orange
42 is UP
all aboard seabird Friendship
Arrowsmith: Another actor who entrains with the Robin is Kevin Costner:
The Water signifies floW, or someone who Dances with it.
The plane also bears the mark of the Blue Bird:
Finally, on this 'For LOVE of the Game' poster we find a nod to KK/K2:
2010 should be a Grrrrrrreeeat year!
Atop the Bus/Sub (chariot, merkaba) that reads 142 or jUPiter sits Emile Hirsch as real life Christopher McCandless.
He is running away from the constrictions, preconceptions, limitations and general un-groovyness of consensus societal baggage. A good start but he must yet realize all those things are mind made structures and you take that baggage with you no matter where you go until you align with Being. When you are at peace with your whole Self a Mall, the economy and Hannah Montana is just as sacred as a mountain and a river. Dudes like this have helped us realize this and we marvel, identify and respect their struggle.
This amazing image becomes even more so when we learn that Christopher's birth date is 12th February 1968.
The teaching Sub of Jupiter and being Bad (running away from the system) surmounted by the CHRISTopher birthed on 12 Feb... Pretty awesome.
(thanx 2 Stephen for the email about Christopher's Birthday)