John Pérez Endorsed By Current Speaker Karen Bass

Multiple media sources are reporting that the race for Speaker is all but over, and openly gay John Pérez has apparently won. On Wednesday, current Speaker Karen Bass endorsed Pérez as her successor:

Bass said Peréz has secured support of a majority of the Assembly's Democratic Caucus --including herself -- and will have enough votes (41 are needed) to become speaker. Peréz, a Democratic from L.A., would be the body's first openly gay speaker.


The speaker, who had made clear her intention to step down by early 2010, didn't lay out an exact time frame for the transition. But she said the Democratic Caucus will vote next week -- and since the Dems control a majority of the Assembly, their choice will rule when it comes down to a floor vote of the full house.


Peréz, a freshman lawmaker who is the cousin of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, emerged in recent weeks as a contender for the position. He is chair of the Assembly Democratic Caucus and took the lead securing votes during last month's contentious negotiations over water policy. He formerly worked as a political director for a Southern California local of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union and is a member of the Democratic National Committee.