District of Columbia Approves Marriage Equality

The Washington, D.C. City Council has given final approval to a bill to allow the District's residents to get marriage licenses regardless of the gender of the couples involved.

The bill, which passed by an 11-to-2 vote, may still face obstacles in Congress, among city voters and in the courts, but most advocates say they expect it to become law by the spring. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty has said he will sign it.

“Today’s vote is an important victory not only for the gay and lesbian community but for everyone who supports equal rights,” said Councilman David A. Catania, an independent and the author of the bill.

Opponents have vowed to overturn the bill by putting it to a referendum or by working with Congress, which has a month to review the measure once it is signed.

The city already recognizes gay marriages performed in states where the practice is legal — Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts and Vermont. New Hampshire will begin allowing same-sex marriage early next year.

hat/tip to Wonder Man, who also has National Organization for Marriage Brian Brown's hysterical (in multiple senses of the word) response.