Slowly, slowly.
Only a few days ago, Mr. Ratte photoshopped this above image with me as a RABBIt and
Maestro Flores as a Turtle. A Rainbow touches both of us. I like this image a lot. For me it captures perfectly my relationship with Maestro right now.
Ever since I met him his main saying is "poco, a poco." Which in English translates as "little by little." His teaching is that when one goes "little by little" then one is cautious and it soon becomes a lot. The turtle is often considered the slowest in the material world, yet the fastest in the spiritual world. My problem as a student of Maestro has been that sometimes I go too fast. I am a Rabbit trying to learn to be a turtle.
Now where this gets interesting is that I was just about to post something from my recent trip to Peru to visit Maestro, and it involves the Turtle.
Here are the images:
First here we have Maestro (Jeremy Narby is on his left) and he is wearing his Blue Feathered Crown. This crown will be seen again soon.
The next day as I am leaving Mayantuyacu I get into a taxi and share the front seat with Maestro. As Andre takes our picture I pretend to be a baby on his lap. Notice his Turtle T-shirt. A gift from his last trip to Manitoba.
As we roll into PUccalpa, the nearest town, I notice an ad with a turtle on it. The turtle just so happens to have the same kind of feather crown that Maestro wears.
Here it is again a few minutes later near the Maestro's head.
A close-up of the poster shows the shaman turtle giving the thumbs up and its slogan is
"Vive Tranquillo".
Live Calmly. Funny how Maestro's favorite response to people when they ask him how he is,
is always "Tranquillo."
Funny times indeed