Parker Gets Houston Chronicle Endorsement for Mayor

Annise Parker, who is trying to become the first openly LGBT person elected mayor of a major American city, has garnered the endorsement of her hometown's largest newspaper, the Houston Chronicle.

In both her public and personal life, Parker has maintained high ethical standards and decorum in her years as an elected official. No scandals have occurred on her watch. As mayor she will present the city’s best face to the world, one of tolerance, diversity and compassion for all our citizens.

The Chronicle urges voters to allow Parker to take her high standards and solid record of accomplishment to the city’s highest office.

However, this week came word that local homophobes are distributing 35,000 copies of an anti-gay flier to Houston residents with a picture of Parker and her female partner under the large caption "Is This The Image Houston Wants To Portray?"

The main person behind the flyer gave interviews where he said such charming nonsense as "homosexual behavior leads to extinction." This is always one of the craziest arguments in the raving homophobes arsenal. Do they really think heterosexual will stop having straight sex if gay people become more prominent and liberated? The answer is obviously no, and if it were yes, what does that say about the allure of heterosexuality? Not much!

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