Total collapse of Illusion (Maya) of form via realization of Christ Consciousness. 2012 resonates 2001, 2010, 2011 displaying there non local interchangeability in the process of ascension.

Creating the proto Tin Man, Frankenstein, via Zeus/Jupiter Bolts.

Shooting Star theme with War resonating Mars. Mars is the planet of Wars. Wars becomes Mars via WE3 Spinner and is also the planet of Rams/Aries, smashing! WARS/MARS/RAMS.

Child of Cosmic Consciousness (E.T) holding octagonal umbrella and sync back to JC's very next film War/Mars Inc.

Balloon/Up/Wizard of Oz via Aquarius, element of air.

Opening the StarG8 door of realization in the Dolphin Hotel.

Loving Dog/God.

Shooting Star

Marked SpiriT Palm of a Buddha/Christ.

Swastika/Black Star of Galactic Center reveals its "power".

Syncronicty brings JC into the arms of his love! (One of us better catch this one again..)

Standing on a monolith type cuboid (Christ ark), showing his palm as palm trees emanate.

Tin and Jupiter have the same alchemical symbol and film contains amazing WTC syncs.

Jupiter pointer finger manifesting the "Will" of JC.

JC opens StarG8 door and rides portal inside the Star John Malkovich. StarG8 opening inside of a Star!, pretty groovy.

Red Road/Ribbon(Robin) of bloodline, DNA. JC sandwiched between GC Galactic Center George Clooney and yellow Charioteer of Zombieland Woody Harrelson.

Midnight 12 or 24 thus 42, crowning the clock. JC, the fisher of men on a boat.

JC's Jupiter Finger makes a gun thus also a Shooting Star like Jury and Cradle.

Seeing Red JC with an Eagle/Zeus/Jupiter inside a solar (Sun/Son/Christ) StarG8 between the words Con and Air. Air resonating the New Age of Aquarius just like Grace is Gone.

The Red C of NY/OZ entrains with JC.

Power word ONE/NOW/NWO/EON/WON/OWN and the personified Seeing Red Sun/Star/Christ.
WE/ME are all Stars.
Enjoy 2012, crazy stuff, no doubt...
Peace In = Peace Out


Richard: That last image of the High Fidelity poster brought to mind an old KitKat advert I came across a while back. I don't know why I made this instant connection, but I figured I'd follow it through to see what the pattern revealed. I want to apologise in advance if this addition is a little confusing. Hopefully it'll make a little more sense by the end.

If we take the tagline for the KitKat chocolate bar: "Have a Break, Have a KitKat", and apply this to the John Cusack 2012 poster, then we see that this statue of JC is quite literally 'Having a Break':

So this got me wondering why JC should resonate with Tezcatlipoca, and why the year 2012 was being highlighted.
To try and make some kind of sense out of this I turned to Mayan mythology:

So we are currently living in a time when Tezcatlipoca, the Black Magician, still reigns supreme. Until Quetzalcoatl returns, Tezcatlipoca will continue to hold the lofty title of 'Ruler of the Cosmos'.
According to some researchers this is all about to change.
There are those who have studied the Mayan Calendar, like author Daniel Pinchbeck, who believe that Quetzalcoatl's monumental return (aka 'The Second Coming of Christalcoatl') will happen in the year 2012, a time in which the Light finally gains the upper hand over the Dark. Quetzalcoatl may finally get his chance to overthrow Tezcatlipoca, ending the Jaguar Gods hold over the planet, and ushering us into a new Golden Age. That's the theory anyhoo...
What this suggests in my mind is that 2012, the Year of the Dragon, or the Year the Dragon Returns, is going to be a period when the shit really hits the fan. A Plumed Serpent/Dragon (Quetzalqoatl) facing off against a Black Jaguar (Tezcatlipoca) makes me think that there's going to be fire works as they battle one another tooth and nail. I'm sure it'll be quite the spectacle. The trailer for the movie 2012 shows that our transition between the Dark and Light Christ isn't going to be a smooth ride. It could be complete pandemonium as the old era (ruled by Tezcatlipoca) comes crashing down around us.
I hope all that made some kind of sense.

In this poster we see once again that JC is broken in two. These are the dual aspects of him, the Light (Quetzalcoatl) and the Dark (Tezcatlipoca), the Gentle and the Mental:
In issue 23 of The Fortean Times, Robert Anton Wilson wrote that:
‘23 has many links with termination: in telegraphers’ code, 23 means “bust” or “break the line”, and Hexagram 23 in I Ching means “breaking apart”.’
If JC entrains with the number 23
'breaking the line' or 'breaking apart'.
We've already looked at these examples of JC 'breaking apart':