Check out the Black Youth Project!

Checkout this new innovative new website to increase the diversity of voices in the blogosphere and online: The Black Youth Project.

From the website's about us page:

The Black Youth Project’s website is a cyber-resource center for black youth
and all those who are committed to enriching the lives of black youth. Within
the pages of this website, visitors can access research summaries, read blogs
about and by black youth, search an extensive rap database, access black youth
social justice organizations, and download social justice curricula to teach.
Arguably more than any other subgroup of Americans, African American youth
reflect the challenges of inclusion and empowerment in the post–civil rights
period as well as the challenges of web access and digital spaces to call their
own. Therefore, the intended purpose of this website is to generate new media
information, blogs, art, conversations, webinars, and data that will expand the
human and social capital of young African Americans, facilitating their geneal
empowerment through highlighting their voices and experiences.

The project is funded by the Ford Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Chicago.