Bow to the Reign - blOZZOmed
"Everybody sees a slightly different rainbow even if standing side by side: each one has his own personal rainbow! The drops of water refract and reflect the rays from the sun backwards, at 42 degrees to the incoming rays. A secondary rainbow, which sometimes appears outside the primary one (at 51 degrees) is caused by two internal reflections instead of just one." link
Upon reflection we can see justification for searching a mirrored and/or rotated 42 symbol. Which links us with 24, maybe even 5b or be. I see a pattern here between 51 and 42, they make me think of 33 and 6 ( 60, 51, 42, 33, 24, 15, 6) It's also important to remember that the tip of the head of your shadow is the anti-solar point and center of the rainbow. This intrigues me about the concepts of Ego and Solar Illumination.
One more thing. The primary rainbow is 96% polarized and the secondary rainbow is 90% polarized. I see the dualism. I see the 96% as a close approximation of dark matter and unconsciouness. I see light was as DNA. Polarization and rainbows talk about parallel lines. They speak of straight and curves. They are Rays. They Flow.
Upon reflection we can see justification for searching a mirrored and/or rotated 42 symbol. Which links us with 24, maybe even 5b or be. I see a pattern here between 51 and 42, they make me think of 33 and 6 ( 60, 51, 42, 33, 24, 15, 6) It's also important to remember that the tip of the head of your shadow is the anti-solar point and center of the rainbow. This intrigues me about the concepts of Ego and Solar Illumination.
One more thing. The primary rainbow is 96% polarized and the secondary rainbow is 90% polarized. I see the dualism. I see the 96% as a close approximation of dark matter and unconsciouness. I see light was as DNA. Polarization and rainbows talk about parallel lines. They speak of straight and curves. They are Rays. They Flow.