What Buju Banton is most well-known for is the song "Boom Bye-Bye" which is basically all about the killing of gay men.
Here's an ACTION ALERT from the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center's Lorri Jean:
Despite the Cabana Club’s initial decision to do the right thing and cancel Banton’s concert, the venue has quietly re-booked him for a show TONIGHT (Thursday, Oct. 15).PLEASE JOIN US FOR A PEACEFUL PROTEST IN FRONT OF THE CLUB TONIGHT, and remind Sunset Entertainment Group (SEG), which owns and operates the club, that it is not acceptable to profit from hate-peddlers like Banton.
Where: Cabana Club
1439 Ivar Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90028
When: 8:30 p.m.
Bring your signs and show your solidarity with activists around the world—especially in Jamaica, where prominent LGBT activists have been murdered—against musicians whose hateful lyrics foster this anti-gay sentiment.
Spread the word by joining the “Cancel Buju Banton's Los Angeles Show!” Facebook group, and watch www.lagaycenter.org/stophatelyrics for developments.
You can also contact the Cabana Club’s owners directly and let them know we’re outraged that they are profiting from a singer who won’t apologize for his vile hate speech or promise to stop performing violently anti-gay songs.
Cabana Club owners
Phone: 323-463-1473
Chris Breed – chris@sunseteg.com
Drew Greeley - drew@sunseteg.com
Please join me in demanding that SEG silence murder music!
Interestingly, earlier this week Buju met personally with a bunch of LGBT activists in Northern California that was widely publicized.
Perhaps he thinks that because of that, the boycotts and protests will diminish? Hardly, likely!