Protest in LA Tonight Against Buju Banton at 8:30pm

There's a protest set for tonight, October 15th in Hollywood to protest a quietly rescheduled show by reggae artist Buju Banton, who is unabashedly homophobic and is most well-known for singing what is commonly called "murder music."

What Buju Banton is most well-known for is the song "Boom Bye-Bye" which is basically all about the killing of gay men.

Here's an ACTION ALERT from the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center's Lorri Jean:
Despite the Cabana Club’s initial decision to do the right thing and cancel Banton’s concert, the venue has quietly re-booked him for a show TONIGHT (Thursday, Oct. 15).

PLEASE JOIN US FOR A PEACEFUL PROTEST IN FRONT OF THE CLUB TONIGHT, and remind Sunset Entertainment Group (SEG), which owns and operates the club, that it is not acceptable to profit from hate-peddlers like Banton.

Where: Cabana Club
1439 Ivar Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90028
When: 8:30 p.m.

Bring your signs and show your solidarity with activists around the world—especially in Jamaica, where prominent LGBT activists have been murdered—against musicians whose hateful lyrics foster this anti-gay sentiment.

Spread the word by joining the “Cancel Buju Banton's Los Angeles Show!” Facebook group, and watch for developments.

You can also contact the Cabana Club’s owners directly and let them know we’re outraged that they are profiting from a singer who won’t apologize for his vile hate speech or promise to stop performing violently anti-gay songs.

Cabana Club owners
Phone: 323-463-1473
Chris Breed –
Drew Greeley -

Please join me in demanding that SEG silence murder music!

Interestingly, earlier this week Buju met personally with a bunch of LGBT activists in Northern California that was widely publicized.

Perhaps he thinks that because of that, the boycotts and protests will diminish? Hardly, likely!