Nevada Domestic Partnership Law Starts Today

Nevada's new comprehensive domestic partnership law, which was enacted over the Governor's veto earlier this summer, goes into effect today.

Here's a story from the Las Vegas Recorder-Journal about the first couple to get registered in the Silver State:
Tears fell from the eyes of Las Vegans Larry Davis and Lee W. Cagley today as they were handed domestic partnership certificate No. 1 by Secretary of State Ross Miller in the Capitol.

“We feel very fortunate,” said Cagley, an interior designer who redesigned the Governor’s Mansion in its original 1909 style when Miller’s mother, Sandy, was Nevada’s first lady.

“Someone had to be No. 1,” responded Ross Miller, a grin on his face.

His mother, who watched the couple receive their certificate, just smiled.

So far, 746 same- and opposite-sex couples have received domestic partnership certificates from the secretary of state’s offices in Las Vegas and Carson City.

Under a law that went into effect today, the couples gain virtually all the rights and responsibilities as married couples, although they are not considered married under state law.
Congratulations to Nevada in joining California, Oregon, and Washington with comprehensive domestic partnership laws. Unfortunately, in Washington, heterosexual supremacists have subjected the law to Referendum 71 which, unless REJECTED, would prevent the domestic partnership bill from going into effect.

If you know anyone in Washington State, tell them to Approve Referendum 71, in order for same-sex couples to be able register as domestic partnerships in that state.