Congress Passes Ryan White CARE Act

The Ryan White CARE Act was approved by Congress this week with a vote of 408 to 9 in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday. The federal legislation is the most important means by which federal funds are delivered to fight HIV/AIDS in the United States.
The bill, if signed into law by President Obama, would provide federal funding to help low-income, uninsured, or under-insured Americans with AIDS gain access to healthcare.

The President’s Executive Office released a Statement of Administration Policy on Oct. 19 in support of the Act. "The Administration is committed to strengthening access to acre for people living with HIV/AIDS," the statement read. "The legislation reauthorizes all parts of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program."

"The House and Senate leadership and the Members of the committees worked closely with the HIV/AIDS community to maintain this critical program," said Rebecca Haag, the executive director of the AIDS Action Council.

"This bill will ensure the availability of life saving services for those living with HIV/AIDS in all states and territories while we determine the long term impact of health care reform legislation and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy on the health and well being of those infected, affected and at risk for HIV."
This is just the first but important step of authorization. Later, appropriation of funds to enact the authorized programs needs to occur.