Poll: Likely Voters Would Approve WA's Ref. 71

The latest polling in Washington state shows that the electoral battle to retain their recently passed comprehensive domestic partnership law will be hard-fought and close.

In Washington, in a mail-in only ballot ending on November 3rd, voters are being asked whether they APPROVE of the new law in a ballot measure known as Referendum 71. Read the actual language that will appear in a poll of likely voters, their responses were:
Approve: 51 percent
Reject: 44 percent
Undecided: 5 percent
In other Referendum 71 news, a federal appellate court has fast tracked an appeal of a troubling decision made earlier this month by a Bush-appointed federal circuit judge that ruled that the names of the people who signed petitions to qualify Referendum71 did not have to be released, in violation of Washington State's public records law, issuing a preliminary injunction against the Secretary of State of Washington. The Attorney General of Washington filed the appeal and asked for a fast-track, since the election is less than 40 days away!