Maine's Yes on 1 Is Shamelessly Repeating the Yes on 8 Campaign

The second ad from the heterosexual supremacists in Maine who want to ban gay marriage has been released and it looks awfully familiar:

Here's the corresponding ad that ran in California almost exactly a year ago:

I suppose it makes sense that Frank Schubert, who ran the winning Proposition 8 campaign to ban gay marriage in California on 2008, would try to repeat his victory in Maine as he runs the campaign to promote Question 1, but now he's not even deviating from his playbook.

What do you think No on 1/Protect Maine Equality should do this time? Last time, No on 8 responded with this ad:

What is odd is that Yes on 1 is running the weaker of the two ads that raised the issue of "homosexual marriage" being taught in schools to second graders. What most observers think is the most effective of the Yes on 8 ads is the infamous "Princes" ad:

Since Frank is following his Yes on 8 playbook, it's only a matter of time before a copy of this ad is airing all over the Maine airways.