i thought my status was demoted...
the hat/crown pattern around j depp seems to correlate nicely with the lil miss sunshine pattern recently stumbled upon. Abigail Breslin wears a top hat for the wonderfully satirical end for "Little Miss Sunshine",
...along with Isla Fisher. Island Fisher, the water bringer, ref'd by Indras in Rocky Rebis Horror, which starts off with some androgyny-talk, which i'll get to...

[peep the vortex formed by the mountain and the whirlwind-like area]
{...and the rainbow}

nice rainbow ring vince. floWers even...

the sunshine art and hayden's uniform screams gold and red like Juno...

and Abigail from Little Miss Sunshine...

...who confirms patterns further with her halo headband and rainbow ring bracelets. red and gold kiss Ferris wheels and wonderland in the recently mention Aventureland art.

The red and gold seems to me to be connected somehow to the blue and gold of the Tut Halo headdress... male/female? if so, the androgyny fits right in with the red and blue coming together in other patterns.

next step: go [gaga] Purple!

Not sure how to interpret the 'Card in gold' seen on this powerful and omnipresent symbol of commerce and trade. It could be darC/dark; the juxtaposition of bright solar gold and dark giving us a yin yang effect. Car (Chariot) is present which is something Arrowsmith is very into. (Reminds me to highlight a theme of blue cars Kirsten Dunst likes to drive around in..)
The Red and Gold Spots overlap and merge to become RE. They hang in an all embracing ocean of blue.

Theres a Red Dot on Ra-Hoor-Khuits hed symbolic of the Sun, and theres also a Red Dot on the Winged Globe between the Legs of Nuit. If you notice theres Wavy lines connecting the Red and Orange bands of energy beneath her as well. These colors are all communicating the movement of Spirit through Fire. Note the letter Shin, symbolic of Fire connecting the Red and Orange bands as well. These resonate with the Spheres of the Sun and Mercury on the Tree of Life. This all resonates with Spiritual transformation in the material realm.

Just wanted to throw out the Red and Yellow Hair on the ArChangel Michael whos element is Fire on the Original Rider Waite Deck, this card connects the Sphere energy an motion - Mercury-Hod to Earth- matter and integration-Malkuth, this path strongly to me with the idea of Spiritualizing Matter as it is the 21st of 22 paths at the end of the Creative process in Kabbalistic Tarot. Thanks for sharing everyone! Namaste <3>