'On the first day of rehearsal for Spider-Man, he (*Tobey Maguire) brought Dunst a yellow flower, signifying friendship.'
If we look briefly at Tobey Maguire we see him (the Dog on the left) staring straight into the yellow Cats Eye in this poster:

If we look for another Yellow FloWer we find one in the hands of the Love Guru:

The Cat's Eye seems to be focused intently on the Age of the Aquarian Water-Bearer:

From Wise Woman's blog:
First off I must defer to Linda Tucker again, who while wondering on the mysteries of lions one night, heard the roar of what was for her, her sacred lion. She explains that unless you have heard the roar of a lion in the wild, you cannot conceive of its power it shakes the ground. Apparently the sound can be heard some five or six miles away. My understanding of her interpretation goes like this- that the sound of a lion's roar IS the sound of the sun. She also explains that the traditional understanding of the opening of that Oscar award winning screenplay, the Bible, is a little off balance. It is not so much that in the beginning was 'the word', rather that it was 'the vibration'.
So lets play with my favourite new words.
What if lions are greatly favoured by those in the know because of the magic of their sound. Have a look at their sound - lions 'roar' - ROAR. Shuffle the letters a little - 'RO' is 'Or' (Gold) reversed, followed by 'AR' which is 'Ra' (the Egyptian god of the SUN) - in reverse.
The sound of a lion = Gold + The Sun - the holy trinity for this post all rolled into one.
When I showed up this John Deer electric car (above) called a Gator (written in Yellow) was parked right by the entrance. This is syncnificant because The Sync Whole is called G8ors and this name has been associated to people of sync. G8tors as in those who open the StarG8.
It's sync welcoming our Dear John/Jon the G8tor.
This is the room that Frank Albo believes is actually the Holy of Holies of the building, which itself is a model of Solomon's Temple.
I was very happy to notice the 8 petal golden/yellow flowers embroidered into the rug of the Holy of Holies.
There are better examples and I must go get some more snapshots.