Democrats Realize They DO NOT Need Republicans To Pass Health Care

Finally, the Democrats are beginning to realize that the Republicans are not honest partners seeking a common legislative solution to the health care crisis.
Top Democrats said Tuesday that their go-it-alone view was being shaped by what they saw as Republicans’ purposely strident tone against health care legislation during this month’s Congressional recess, as well as remarks by leading Republicans that current proposals were flawed beyond repair.

Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, said the heated opposition was evidence that Republicans had made a political calculation to draw a line against any health care changes, the latest in a string of major administration proposals that Republicans have opposed.

“The Republican leadership,” Mr. Emanuel said, “has made a strategic decision that defeating President Obama’s health care proposal is more important for their political goals than solving the health insurance problems that Americans face every day.
As OpenLeft says, this is basically like saying "water is wet."

In other health care reform news, there are now 46 votes in the United States Senate for the public option being included in the final bill!