Here is Jim and myself showing up at Andre's (Jim's BFF and partner in the craft of documentary making) porch happening upon the arrival of there copy of "The Jaguar That Roams The Mind".
Some silly syncing ensues.
See AmaZOn Trip
On page 14 we read:
It's etymology couldn't be clearer: aya means "spirit", "ancestor," or "dead person" and huasca, "vine" or "rope".
The timing of me reading this book - which was 'randomly' handed to me in the street a few weeks ago - couldn't be more perfect as Shaman Juan Flores from Peru and Author/Anthropologist Jeremy Narby, who has a particular interest in the role of Ayahuasca as teacher/healer, are heading to Winnipeg soon.
Actually Juan arrives today, 11 June, and stays for exactly one month until 11 August. An 11:11 sync Jim claims is unintentional...
I met fellow synchromystic and Nosis documentary film maker Jim Sanders via sync cluster directly involving Jeremy Narby and Plant Consciousness.
This sync was briefly explored in post Blue Worm.
One way of interpreting Ayahuasca, owing to the etymology referenced above, would be "dead person rope". The spiraling Ayahuasca vine or "dead person rope" easily becomes the similarly coiled Hangman's Noose.
The resonance being displayed through this relationship of an instrument of death, the noose, and that of Ayahuasca couldn't be more elegant and susynct. Ayahuasca helps kill the limited individual identity, an experience directly related to physical death. Both the ego-death and physical death are mere transitional phases of Spirit moving in and out of form. The death of limited identity, of the little me, and the shedding of the mortal coil are no more or less the equivalent of what happens every night when we go to sleep.
In deep sleep the perception of self as an individual is obliterated as Self becomes infinite and eternal again until we wake up, moving though stages of dream and becoming born again in the morning.
In a way the 'real death' is the living/waking state or 'dream of self' as a personality.
In "The Watchmen" comic and film the character Hooded Justice saves Sally Jupiter from the sexual assault by The Comedian. We note his costume features the Dead Man's Rope/Ayahuasca worn around the neck.
Juan has told Jim that Masters live on Jupiter, the sphere of Joy, and that WE/ME have our destinies entwined with this sphere.
With this context in mind having the Ayahuasca resonating Hooded Justice interact with Jupiter in this popular piece of media hints at vast new depths of meaning.
In the stunning title sequence for the "Watchmen" film we see the Minutemen reenacting "The Last Supper" with a pregnant Sally Jupiter in the position if Jesus.
Christ Consciousness about to be birthed, 'by Jupiter!'
Jesus as resonant of Jupiter is a reoccurring theme also suggested by such say-things as Jumping Jesus, Jumping Jack and 'Jumping Jupiter!'
Actually many (all?) names that start with J seem to point towards Jupiter, see for example also Jennifer Jupiter (not to mention Juno Temple).
Jack is a particularly potent and syncnificant J name, constantly Jumping into the sync web from all angles.
Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow gets the Ayahuasca vine tied around his neck in the first "Pirates Of The Caribbean" film.
In the image above the coiled and knotted rope can be viewed as the Kundalini serpent exiting the spine and heading towards the heavens.
The Hangmans Noose becomes the tool that sends the Spirit spiralling towards Being.
I had this image up briefly as a banner at The Blob and for a long time as my PC wallpaper. Meditating on it proved mind blowing.
Some observations:
- Both Johnny Depp films featuring a head shot.
- Both Featuring the words "Dead Man".
- Both having the elements of Bones in the title.
- Both having Johnny Depth holding a gun in his right hand. (Actors holding guns become Shooting Stars, evoking another heavenly feature beyond just the shining star. Jim shared this sync with me in person but I don't believe he has written about it as yet..)
- Both Featuring Trees in the background
- Both having JD with interesting headgear (something he gravitates towards in general)
See Opening The StarG8 ViA Johnny Depp: Cut! for more.
This poster - which I kept running into over the last few days, online and abroad - more than any other actually stimulated the above text.
The coils of film strip, depicted on "The Player" as a Noose, has been associated in earlier sync work to DNA.
How susynct then that given the context generated above we tie this medium back to the spiraling Ayahuasca vine itself also much associated to DNA.
"Everything You Heard Is True"
Love this image above where Tim (Tom) Robbins, backed by rays (Re), steps through a StarG8 while the Dead Man's Rope sync winks behind.
The Tinseltown realm he exits has a film strip road and its skyline is blue, purple and gold.
"Now More The Ever!"
From Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages p265:
In order to illustrate this point and still conceal it from the ignorant, many strange, and often repulsive, creatures were used whose rough exteriors concealed magnificent organisms. Kenealy, in his notes on the Book of Enoch, observes: "Why the caterpillar was a symbol of the Messiah is evident: because, under a lowly, creeping, and wholly terrestrial aspect, he conceals the beautiful butterfly-form, with its radiant wings, emulating in its varied colors the Rainbow, the Serpent, the Salmon, the Scarab, the Peacock, and the dying Dolphin."
The Nose/Noose entrain with one another as do the words NOUS and ZOUS (or ZEUS).
Another Bird which seems to warrant attention is the Swan.
SWAN is a pointer towards the NAWS (NOSE/NOOSE/NOUS).
In the Pirates of the Caribbean movie Jack Sparrow tries his hand with the beautiful Elizabeth SWAN (played by KKnightely).
This NAWS/SWAN connection continued when I came across this image. The NOUS represents the SON of God, the Christos, and the NOS points us to the NAWS:
Manly P. Hall says: 'The grace and purity of the Swan were emblematic of the spiritual grace and purity of the initiate. This bird also represented the Mysteries which unfolded these qualities in humanity. This explains the allegories of the gods (the secret wisdom) incarnating in the body of a Swan (the initiate).'
So how do we become an Initiate of the SWAN?