From the press release:
Woods Raises More than $100K for Congressional Campaign
Two Tour Iraq War Veteran Cements position as Grassroots Candidate in CD 10 Race, Recruits more than 800 Donors in two months
FAIRFIELD: For the fundraising quarter that ended on June 30th, two tour Iraq War Veteran Anthony Woods raised more than $100,000, and recruited more than 800 donors for the recently scheduled Special Election in California’s 10th Congressional District.
“This has been a genuine grassroots effort,” said Woods. “We’re offering everyday people like the chance to join a campaign that understands what it’s like to walk in their shoes--and the response has been overwhelming.”
In the first two months of his first campaign, Anthony Woods has recruited more than twice the number of donors as Lt. Governor John Garamendi, according to numbers released by the Garamendi campaign last week. This is notable considering that Garamendi has been campaigning for offices across California for more than 30 years.
Woods’ campaign is also leading his CD 10 competitors in online fundraising and online organizing. According to ActBlue.com, Woods is far outpacing the two other Sacramento politicians in the race--State Senator Mark Desaulnier and Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan—in internet fundraising, and Woods has organized more supporters on Facebook (more than 4,700) than every other CD 10 candidate combined.
“Last year, a junior Senator from Illinois won the Presidency against a group of better known politicians by using new media tools to build a grassroots army and interact directly with voters looking for new leadership to change Washington,” said Woods Campaign Director Todd Stenhouse. “In the CD 10 Special Election a similar contrast exists, and Anthony Woods is emerging as the clear grassroots candidate offering real change.”
Anthony Woods is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He is a veteran of two combat tours in Iraq, and was awarded both the Bronze Star and Army Commendation Medal for his service. Woods is a native of Fairfield, CA, and is campaigning for the Special Election to replace Former Representative Ellen Tauscher in California’s 10th District.