I learned that: 'A strong earthquake has shaken New Zealand, generating a small tsunami and briefly putting the country on alert.
The US said a 7.8-magnitude quake hit off the south-west tip of New Zealand, 161km (100 miles) west of Invercargill at a depth of 33km.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii detected a small tsunami and issued a warning for New Zealand. The quake was detected at 2122 local time (0922 GMT), reports said.'
The article goes on to say that: 'The US Geological Survey (USGS) and Japanese seismologists classified the quake as a 7.8-magnitude event, but authorities in New Zealand suggested it could have been weaker. New Zealand's Institute of Geological and Nuclear Science measured it at magnitude 6.6.'
A second earthquake, provisionally measured at magnitude 5.8 by the USGS, was detected shortly after the first event.'

Here's the previous Quake/Leg synchronicity involving Robin Tunney and the movie Cherish:
Earlier this year the Achilles Heel of Europe was symbolically struck, which brought to mind the fall of the mighty Achilles. At the time I interpreted this event to be a sign that the Pope, and therefore Christianity, had just been dealt a mortal blow. This Fall might be taking place in slow motion, which is why we haven't seen an obvious impact (yet), but it seems to be a Fall nonetheless. As more and more people begin to explore their own personal relationship with the Divine the need for a 'middle-man' (the Pope/Priests) is becoming somewhat obsolete. The Chain which has bound so many people to dogmatic religious belief systems seems to be breaking.
If we look again at the shape of New Zealand we see that there is a clear break between the Foot and the Leg. On that break we find the city of Wellington, the capital of NZ:The city of Wellington resonates with the rubber Wellington Boot and further emphasizes the resonance between NZ and the Leg/Foot:
We find the Wellington Boot in this low-budget New Zealand flick called SisterHOOD. The word HOOD naturally resonates with the ROBIN ('Robin Hood') and we've already seen Robin Tunney's involvement on the Cherish poster. The recent earthquake struck the top of the New Zealand 'Leg' and here we see the word 'hood' highlighting the top of the Leg once again:

If we look at the poster for the recent Broadway version we find the Rainbow (resonating Juno/JNO/Jupiter), the PEGasus (think PEG LEG) and even a Disco Ball which highlights the top of the male Skaters leg:
If this trend continues then we should see (and I hesitate to say this) another quake later this year which will strike the 'main body' of a country/continent. We've seen the Achilles Heel tremble in Italy. We've now seen the top of the Leg tremble in New Zealand. If we follow this Rise then the Groin or Navel seems to be the next natural step up the Ladder. Time will tell...
At the very end of the post, almost as an afterthought, Jake mentions his encounter with the Kiwi. In this photo (taken at Stella's) he showed how the Kiwi entrains with the Cracked Egg and the K2 mountain:

I've been getting a little obsessive about the Nose recently (I Gno you've all Gnoticed!) but this is simply my way of trying to work things out. The Nose syncs bugged the hell out of me at first but I feel that things are gradually coming together.
I couldn't help but notice that the letters NZ (representing New Zealand) resonate with the NOSE.
While looking for a picture of the Kiwi bird I came across this article focusing on Rihannas Maori-inspired hand tattoo:

Toure's been taking a closer look at Rihanna over at The Patternist and this Goddess resonator has recently been in the public eye due to her assault at the hands of Chris Brown. When this first came to light there was much speculation about how serious her injuries were. One of these speculations involved her Broken NZ:

L8r G8rs
I had bought new laces for my shoes as one of them had snapped.
The brand is called Kiwi (a bird native to and iconic of New Zealand) and remembering the quake which I had read about this morning and earlier K2 syncs, I felt it might prove relevant.
This happening resonates the highlighted foot/shoe and place associated to the quake, New Zealand, all that Richard talks about above.