Months ago I started seeing all these Ferris Wheels everywhere. I really wasn't looking they just came out of the wood work. I then noticed that as soon as my attention was looking for them they started appearing in newer movies that were made after I saw them. They have no fixed meaning for me other than the fact that the ride itself is a practice in the NOW. It has no beginning or end. It is just forever going around in a cycle. This of course
mimics the spinning motif seen through out
mythos. The Yin Yang, the Dog and the Unicorn, The Lion and The Unicorn, The Bird A Flight and the Flightless Bird.... All symbols of the force made from the constant ebb and flow due to the struggle of Soul and Spirit. See the Spirit is the fire that motivates. IE "That's the Spirit". The Soul however is air....
The thing that binds all of us together and is constantly
trying to go home. Soon after this
interpretation Christopher Knowles started talking about them... His Archives is
strictly overwhelming so I am not going into that to look for his references. He calls them
Illuminiti Ferris Wheels and sites the fact that more of them are being built today than ever before. It should also be mentioned that one of Jake's first post was of the London Eye, Spider-man, and Dr Who. It is also obvious that a large amount of these Ferris Wheel's are the same ones.... Landmarks from LA and NY.
In Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium(MWE) Portalman has a Ferris Wheel dance behind her head for most of the show.
The Origins Wolverine movie has many a strangeness including the Ferris Wheel above.
Silver Surfer AKA the Angel of Death above the London EYE.
Iron Man Ferris Wheel Fly by.

The Joker's big rig in Dark Knight.
Sync Happy John Hurt.... Ferris Wheel behind in Hellboy 2.
Linemy Snicket Literal EYE Ferris Wheel.
"Important Scene" in Hancock.

Cloverfeild ending attention to Ferris Wheel.
Weirdness in Southland Tales....
Bedtime Stories Ferris Halo.

Richard: A few more examples...


Krop Kircle
reported yesterday...
Having both the Ferris Wheel and Peacock elements.
toure:"The Eye... exists in a category of its own.... It essentially has to fulfill only one function, and what a brilliantly inessential function it is: to lift people up from the ground, take them round a giant loop in the sky, then put them back down where they started. That is all it needs to do, and thankfully, that is all it does."
-Steve Rose, describing the London Eye,
in an article from
G2, August 2007
On December 31st, 1999, the highly-publicized opening of the London Eye started a worldwide trend of super-sized Ferris wheels in Europe and Asia. 17 of the 20 tallest wheels (sometimes called observation wheels[c?]) in the world were built in or after 1999. Countries one-upping each other with architectural landmarks is in no way a new phenomenon, but what's with all the new Ferris Wheel openings?
Is the opening of all these giant "eye's" strictly symbolic, or could there be some cosmic significance to having huge, strategically placed spinning wheels around? Can we "see" through these "eyes"? No, no... that's crazy talk. Note that none of the new eye-wheels (I-Will) are opening in the United States. Just yesterday, I was discussing with some friends the possibility that the fall of the U.S. as a global empire could put a more positive Spin on the 2012 awakening...
The concentric circles of the Bull's Eye have found their way into the research of just about everyone at the Sync Whole, most recently in Will's awesomely extensive
For The Dead or Dying series, and reiterated in Richard's cleverly constructed
Diesel, Denim & the Dog-Star. This meme brings together the ideas of the shattering of the Ego, via the LEG/EGL and the L'aquila quakes, and the blue gene/genie awakening through the handy DNA chain and the bull's eye of Mr. Manhattan
[mad hatter?]. Round and round...
I sent a bunch of images connecting Christina Aguilera to the color blue to Rich a few weeks back, thinking maybe his work in Blue stuff would connect. Turns out Ms. "Genie In a Bottle" entrains heavily with the bull's eye wheel as well...
The super-heroine ad campaign Xtina starred in recently (pictured above) is an obvious nod to Wonder Woman
(we3 spinnin like a ferris wheel), a character who has made several appearances in my studies on Beyonce,
Sacred Sex and the sacred feminine rising.
Once Beyonce enters the pattern, the Ego-Leg is never far behind, it seems.
Artwork from Trinity, Issue #21One of the Ferris Wheel winks mentioned earlier was from Hancock, in a scene in which Charlize Theron -playing Mary- and Jason Bateman [batman?] -playing Ray/Ra- stare at the giant heart [centre] Wheel Smith has carved into the Moon. Crazy. Charlize resonates the Wonder Woman meme in Hancock by playing a super-heroine who opens the I of Agent (W.) Smith. Bateman double-synchs here: he also stars alongside Natalie Portman in Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium and enters at the very scene where the halo-wheel kisses Portman.

Bateman in Mr. Magorium with his 8-point vesica wheelOut of all the Ferris Wheels on the list above, the
Cosmo Clock 21 stood out the most (although there are quite a few interesting names).
PeaClock Feather on the River
9+4+8=21While all of the giant spinning circles reflect the great wheel of time on some level, the Kosmo Klock makes it literal. The clock reference, combined with the circular calendar/clock of the Mayans, brought to mind the Doomsday Clock central to the Watchmen storyline. "Watch"-men. Interesting that we call the little clocks that we wear on our wrists "watches". Eye'm starting to C...
The wheel is the clock, and the eye/I, and the target/center. But what is the message of all the Ferris Wheel/Eyes opening? Awakening the GeneY in the bottle or Countdown to Doomsday? What does it mean if it's both? Whatever the case, I get the feeling our ego eyes and our view of time are in for a major re-adjustment.

Received a message from Afferrismoon due to the personal sync that spawed for him after this post.... Or before this post.... Or whatever. The picture above is from a movie called Kin DzaDza that he talks about below.
Couldn't really say what they represent or why their so popular today. Obviously it shows stages in engineering, and today they seem to show that the country or place who builds a big one has 'made it' into the developed world league.Of course they could be giant electric generating gravitron displacement plasmate flux drives
I only downloaded Kin DzaDza the other day so it was a nice synch with your ferrising. The film is great and much different to the stress of Hollywood films
This little edition was really an eye opener for me. There are 12 peacock feather like appendages from the center.. This twist the post into multiple realms of thought considering the Ferris Wheels being named Eyes and the Multiple Eyes of a Peacock's feathers. After thinking about the relationship between this and what I was trying to get across over at AFSTS, and then the e-mail from
Afferismoon I realized it wasn't a Ferris Wheel.... But, a Fairy's Wheel.