11 Lightning Strikes on July 11th...

Lightning Strikes Delay Endeavour's Launch

"Twice delayed in June, NASA again scratches its mission to the International Space Station after 11 lightning strikes are recorded in the launch area. After a check of all systems, NASA hopes to finally get the mission under way July 12."

"NASA called off the launch of the space shuttle Endeavour for a third time July 11 after lightning strikes in the 'C'ape 'C'anaveral area prompted the space agency to move the liftoff to July 12. The mission to deliver equipment to the International Space Station was scratched twice in June due to a mysterious launch pad hydrogen gas leak that appears to be resolved."

Do you see what I see? Lightning never strikes the same place twice right?


On Thorsday the 2nd of July the Highlands of Scotland encountered a pretty amazing Thunder Storm (we don't get many so any loud noise from a skyward direction is considered 'amazing'). I watched the spectacle unfold above my hometown of Thurso (named after Thor, the Norse God of Storms) as a beautiful scorching Summers day suddenly turned into torrential rain and booming thunder. While at work earlier on in the day we had warning that an electrical storm was arriving because all the PC's in the office kept shutting down. I like how Father Zeus/Jupiter/Thor, or Mother Earth, gives us subtle warnings before She/He strikes.
Someone in Thurso caught a snippet of the storm on camera and published it on Youtube. The clip starts off with the words 'Oh Jesus' before we get a glimpse of a chequerboard floor followed by the Lightning strike:

Notice that the Lightning illuminates the sky exactly 42 seconds into the vid:

Numerous properties were flooded during the storm and the roof of one house was split wide open (with the occupants still inside) due to a lightning strike. The unlucky owners watched as their property burned, gone in the blink of an eye. I take this as a reminder that life can suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, change in a flash.