Moon Cube.... from down under.

Here's a tune to play while reading the post. If you feel so inclined good people...

HeLLo every one. Been thinking about the Moon(of course) and Austrailia. I got a strange reciprocating fractal to share with ya'LL...

First I'll quickly mention my latest post.

I wrote about Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt. Been thinking about Greeks and Australia allot. I got nothing 'tangible' to say about the Greeks yet but Australia has finally given me an in. I remember hearing as a Kidd in school that the Moon's surface area is roughly the same as the continent of Australia. Keep that in mind. Take a quick gander at this....

Just the geometry in that it interesting to this hexagon man. To change gears for a minute; Since Jake's info bomb hit my brains I look at things with less skepticism(No need for it anymore.) So... listening to conspiracy theory is more intriguing to me for different reasons than the average info grinder. One of my favorites is Richard C Hoagland. I'll get to the point... He has found multiple images in Naza's archives with things he calls structures. 'Man' made structures that is. One of his most well known discoveries is this one here...

Listening RCH rant about Mars, the Moon, and Hyperdimensional Physics for the last year has left my brain clinging to his silly business. I stayed up all night watching his Moon lecture. At the time I was absolutely stunned by his implications. He believes that the Tower in the image above is a giant cube sitting atop a 1.5 mile high tower. The next image is what inspired this post...

So, to summarize that thought...

We have a Cube tower on the moon and a 2D cube tower off the coast of OZtralia(with even MORE cubeage at its peak.) Here is another picture of the cube on the Moon tower. Please note the 1.5 mile high shadow...

Why do I keep coming back to Thoth in a cube?....

I keep seeing this particular pattern...almost like its waving at me...laughing...reeling to get me to pay attention...

"Three times great, great" Hermes Trismegistus(Greek)... I google "Three times great, great"...

"Still The Night"

"Well we don't need no wine / And we don't need no other stuff
'Cause we'll be doing fine / From being close and tastin' love
So when the night set ends / We'll close the curtains way up tight
And then will just pretend / That it isn't day, but Still the Night..."

"...There's a fire burnin' deep down in your eyes
It's got me almost hypnotized"

Three times great great = 3 X 2 = 6... Great Great Great Great Great Great.

An excerpt of an excerpt to finish this rant off....

Its called the Naval Communication Station Harold E Holt... Harold E Holt you say?

"The base is 6 kilometres (4 mi) north of the town of Exmouth. As pointed out in the video, there is a lot of '6's involved here."

"The station provides very low frequency (VLF) radio transmission to United States Navy and Royal Australian Navy ships and submarines in the western Pacific Ocean and eastern Indian Ocean. With a transmission power of 1000 kilowatts, it is the most powerful transmission station in the Southern hemisphere" Hmmm?

I read on...

"VLF Transmitter Masts

The station features thirteen tall radio towers. The tallest tower is called "Tower Zero" and is 387 m (1,270 ft) tall, and was for many years the tallest man-made structure in the Southern Hemisphere. Six towers, each 304 metres tall, are evenly placed in a circle around Tower Zero. The other six towers, which are each 364 metres tall, are evenly placed in a larger circle around Tower Zero."

Turns out Australia does not even roughly share the same surface area size as the moon( the numbers differ depending on source)...Round up to the nearest million....

Moon Surface area = 37,800,000 km2 (0.074 Earths)
Australia = 7,686,850 km2

Well thats way off! I clearly remember a teacher giving me that appoximation... Oh well, it seems the great cosmic cube was as close as I thought....

Heres some Wiktackkular Wiki Weirdness to sign off...

If Rhea is indeed Greek, most ancient etymologists derived 'Ρέα by metathesis from έρα "ground",[2] but a tradition embodied in Plato[3] connected the word with ρείν, "flow".

Great peace and respect to you brothers and sisters