In My Free Ten Minutes...

Where to begin? I’ve been neglecting Stamford Talk not because I’m not interested! We were away in Va. for 12 days and I didn’t have good internet access… and my baby kept me busy! He is a dear, and a lovebug, and a big supporter of Stamford Talk, but he’s not the best napper ever, so during the day I don’t get a lot of free time. That’s OK. Everything’s gonna work out just fine. I still want to explore Stamford, and am trying to figure out how to do it with baby in tow. Every day gets easier, and I feel more and more competent as a mom on the go. I call myself the Mobile Breastfeeding Unit.
Oops- Baby Q- his name is Quinton- is awake. I have lots to say- about daycare, about sidewalks, and a little funny story about Southern hospitality. Since Baby Q has decided on a 12:30 am bedtime, I might get some time to post tonight.