Good Band at SoNo Loft Thursday

My friend Damon Grant is a wonderful percussionist. I think I met him at Green's, which used to be one of the better places in Stamford to hear live original music. It's now Casey's Tavern. Anyway, Damon's bad, Sinister Envy, is playing at SoNo's Loft on Thursday, June 4. The musicians in the band are no small potatoes:
Sinister Envy is an 8-piece band featuring members of the Bomb Squad, John Mayer's band and the Damon Grant Project. As individuals, besides actively writing and recording, the members have toured the world as sidemen with nationally recognized artists... Collectively, the members of this band have won an American Music Award, a Tony award, an Emmy award, performed at the Olympic Games, performed for three different United States Presidents... (from band's web site) What I'm saying is, they're not a crappy cover band, and they'd be worth the $5 cover charge to hear at the Loft. Sinister Envy plays from around 10pm-close. Go and have a drink or two or three for me!
Description of band's music style:
Chrissi Poland, with her soulful 4-octave vocal range, is the first to draw you into Sinister Envy’s unique style, which has been described as equal parts funk and rock. Add in a dynamic band featuring trumpet player Brad Mason, fresh off John Mayer’s latest tours, sax and background vocals by Mike Raskin, Ryan Parrino’s raw and adventurous guitar styling, Darby Wolf with his blend of new and vintage keys, and Dan Grennes on bass and background vocals, and put it all together with Glenn Robertson driving the bus on drums and Damon Grant adding the flavor with percussion, Sinister Envy offers an upbeat and intoxicating experience that will keep you dancing all night.

And here's Damon. He's a good lookin' dude and a nice guy.