CA-SEN: Feinstein Unsure Obama About Health Care Reform.

This is simply "unhelpful." As DailyKos mentions, why is the Senior Senator from California expressing "grave concern" about health care reform in 2009, when she didn't do so about going to war in Iraq in 2002.

Here's the transcript of the above clip:
KING: Is your president trying to seize this political moment because he has the votes right now and the political capital in the first year in office? And might he as a result potentially do more harm than good if you try to do this all at once?

FEINSTEIN: Well to be candid with you, I don’t know that he has the votes right now. I think there’s a lot of concern in the Democratic caucus. Senator Lugar’s point about the economy, the trillions of dollars that have gone into buttressing the economy, now we’re going to be dealing with regulation of the financial sector. What all of the impact of this is not yet known.

I didn't vote for her in 2006 and will never vote for her for anything ever again. Is it November 2012, yet?