The building can be interpreted as the most complete representation of Solomon's Temple on the Heart/Earth.

Above is actress Rose McGowan, with a automatic riffle type Peg Leg, playing character Cherry Darling.
The word Cherry winks back at the "Cherish" poster, both having the highlighted Leg.
All resonating soundly.
Now what does it mean that Cherry resonates so well with all these Leg syncs I wonder?
Jim: Well lets C where this goes.
As I was pondering PEGS and LEGS today I came across Steely Dan's classic song PEG.
Catchy tune. The lyrics stand out to me.
"I've seen your picture Your name in lights above it This is your big debut Its like a dream come true And when you smile for the camera I know they're gonna love it I like your pin shot I keep it with your letter Done up in blueprint blue It sure looks good on you So wont you smile for the camera I know Ill love you better Peg It will come back to you Peg It will come back to you Then the shutter falls You see it all in 3-d Its your favorite foreign movie"
Blueprint Blue. Blue like this picture of the Manitoba LEGislature in winniPEG.

The Blue Peg Leg.
I was doing further research and came across a DE LA SOUL song called EYE KNOW that is famous for heavily sampling the Steely Dan song Peg. The single EYE of gnosis reveals itself again.

The I/EYE in all of us that knows all.

More Pegleg pondering got me onto pEYErates. Pirates. Pi Rates. Rate of Pi.
Or PIRACY. Pi/eye RA See/Sea/C.
I noticed today that it is the Canadian HMCS WINNIPEG out in the sea trying to combat the Somalian (Soma Alien?) Piracy threat.

Anyways, back to the HMSC and Pirates. Pirates are famous for having Wooden Legs as well as a single EYE often. They are also often hiding or finding their treasure of Gold and Silver stolen from Government ships on EYElands.
Pirates also have parrots or scarlet macaws as is seen in the stereotypical image of a pirate below.

Juan has a crown of feathers that come from the Scarlet Macaw.

Volcanic Bowl. Volcanic Blow. Volcanic Blew. Volcanic Blue.
Volcanic L Bow. The Volcanic Bow of EL.

I don't know where I am going with this. But I will ponder cherries perhaps.
Peace Out
Richard: All this cherry/cherish stuff reminds me of Jims cherry cakes which initiated a series of synchronicities involving Wolf Nipples, the TiT and the Red Cher-eye:

Finding Tom Hanks above connected to the Volcano/Island reminds me of his role in Cast Away where he finds himself stranded on the Eyeland. The Moon naturally resonates with the color Blue/Silver and the metal Silver, so it's interesting to find Hanks (a Moon Man) resonating with Treasure Eyeland and the Pirate Peg Leg 'Long John Silver':
We find the Treasure Eyeland connected to the Red Macaw and the Skull Bones, X marks the spot, the XX double cross, and all that mallarky.
If we look at the Peg Leg of the Robin we find that Robin Williams (Peter PAN) has also found his way to the lost Eyeland. This time the villainous Long John Silver is replaced by the Pirate Hook:

Eyelands, Peg legs, Pirates, and Red Parrots all seem to resonate with the Robin. If we take a look at the movie Aladdin we find the Red Macaw on the shoulder of 'the Blue One' who we find inside the Spirit Palm/Hand/DNA-H:

Like Jim said earlier:
'More Pegleg pondering got me onto pEYErates. Pirates. Pi Rates. Rate of Pi.
Or PIRACY. Pi/eye RA See/Sea/C.'

Robin Williams played the role of 'Batty' in the movie Ferngully emphasising the relationship between the Robin/Parrot/Bat. Here we see that Batty the Batman is perfectly balanced between the Red (Fire/Yin) and the Blue (Water/Yang):


Note the Blueness of the mask on "The Dark Knight" poster and the classic portrayal of Black, using Blue, in comics (think of Superman's crazy hair!).
A red X hovers over his batarang and right eye, kinda marking C-Ing Red.

Once we pass through the Lions Gate...

O.K, technically Cherries aren't berries but they connect UP in consciousness, no doubt. They are small, sweet, red and often found in desert situations, like these red berries in "American Psycho"..

More on The Red Pill Lady shortly, flux willing...
This 2000/2K film sees a pre-Batman sync ripple, echo through time and space (Illusions anyway) as Patrick Bateman (Bale) dons the blue mask of Batman.

I think he is peeing, something that Tom Hanks does in every other movie (PP sync).

This particular scene cuts to the buildings - those symbolic towers/pyramids/mountains/volcanoes who's collapse entrained with our collective dissolution of false identity - the 911 Twin Towers.

Both ebb (red) and Flow (blue) must be integrated.
Perhaps we start seeing purple, both red and blue, as WE/ME continue to align.

The smokey TT's (life giving nipples) of the Terminator look on while C-ing Red.

It is time for the End of suffering, the death of the limited identity and Salvation.