KING HAM 23 (mashed)

Arrowsmith's beckHAM infected my mind with a new swine sync thread and right after I noticed the soon to be released (June 12) film The Taking of PelHAM 123.

STARring Denzel WASHington and John TraVOLTa. The Taking of PelHAM 123 is about a highJACKed subway tRAIN.

Part of the film takes place at 42nd Street in NYC. Below we see a BLUE traBOLTa right near a RED 42ND. TraVOLT/BOLTa resonates JUPITER and ZEUS as the KING of the GODS was known to throw Lightening Bolts and be accompanied by an EAGLE.
The image below is one I found on the Net. Someone snapped it and blogged about watching
the filming of this scene of pelHAM 123 in Brooklyn. They did us a great service by zooming in on the 42 ST.

The Taking of PelHAM 123 also LINKs well up with the idea of COPS as PIGS.

Above is Denzel WASHington, recently blogged about in this recent Jake Kotze Sync Whole post - Black Arrow.

In the trailer there is a great sequence where TraVOLta gets Denzel to tell him the time and he says Two Thirteen (213), and then soon after we hear the name of the route pelHAM 123, and then we also briefly see the 42nd Street sign.

The film comes out in JUNE. A month named after JUNO, the Goddess of Jupiter - Queen of Heaven. 42 is a number/symbol I have already connected to Jupiter here in the syncrosphere.

Below I show how the 4 & the 2 fit into the symbol for the alchemical symbol for Jupiter.

More from Wikipedia on JUNE:

The traditional June birthstone is the PEARL. The June birth flower is the ROSE, or the HONEYsuckle, as roses and honeysuckles bloom throughout June. June is also sometimes called the "Rose month."

Does the pelHAM 123 poster look like its colours are Blue and Gold? Kind of like the colours of
the above image of Jupiter.

To me they do. I have been thinking about those two colours often lately. Mainly because they are the colours of the Winnipeg BLUE BOMBERS, our hometown CFL FOOTball team.

Often the Blue Bombers are referred to as the BLUE & GOLD.

Why I finally find this relevant is that as a FOOTball team they throw a PIGskin around that is shaped like a VESICA PISCIS. A shape mentioned by Jake in a recent post of his called RE of HOPE.

Just recently local businessman David Asper, with his company CRESWIN Properties, has arranged a deal to buy the Blue Bombers, therefore making the team privately owned rather than publicly, and in return he will build a new stadium for them.

The stadium is to be finished by 2011. The stadium will definitely become Winnipeg's newest Pyramid. Below is an artist's rendition of it. Kind of like the Crewswin logo.

It will be built near the University of Manitoba. The University Team, the Manitoba Bisons, will use the Blue & Gold Pyramid as well.

Asper has labeled his campaign to buy the team and build the stadium BLUE & GOLD. His website is

He has even spearheaded a future website for fans called THE BLUE REVOLUTION.

Now, David Aspers' relationship with BLUE & GOLD goes much deeper than simpy the FOOTball team. Turns out that those are also the colours that are chosen to symbolize his family ancestry in their Family Crest.
I wonder if the two birds in the Asper Crest are called Buzz and Boomer?

This is how it is described on The Asper Foundation website:

"The alternating bands of blue and gold, colours which have significance for the Asper family, symbolize a series of steps that a person or organization can take while striving to better their situation. The red shape evokes both the A for Asper and the notion of reaching upward for excellence."

David is the son of Israel Asper, one of Winnipeg's most famous, now deceased philanthropists. The foundation he started has as a logo a VESICA PISCIS.

Heck the logo looks just like a FOOTball!

It seem like David Asper's destiny to own the Blue Bombers.

Recently our mayor commented in a recent Winnipeg Free Press article that "David Asper does not bleed red. He bleeds blue and gold."

The below image caught my attention because of previous blogging done about the SpiriT Palm
and all that jazz.

This recent paid advertisement in the Winnipeg Free Press had an article about the history of the Blue Bombers and imprinted over top is BLUE HANDprint/paw/star that is full of writing that says: "Join Us We Are Strong We AreMany."

This must be in reference to the coming Blue Revolution.

Something else revealing about this advertisment is that in the "article" part
it mentions that the original home of the Blue Bombers was at Osborn/OZ BORN Stadium
right across from the Manitoba Legislature, otherwise known as King Solomon's Temple.

And then there is noticeable reference to an old time Quaterback called JACK JACOBS.

Recently on April 2nd, David Asper reflects on his journey to make the deal:

“While we won’t be able to call the new facility ‘the house that JACK built’, one thing is for sure – when it happens, it’ll have a new name - ‘the house we all built’.”

Not to long ago we had Jake at the Blob connect JACK with JESUS and JUPITER. Check out W's brilliant MAGIC OF ALIGNMENT post for more context.

Is Jupiter Worshiping going on in the 'Peg?

It is interesting the various aspects of the Blue Bombers and how they connect to Jupiter and other esoteric concepts. For instance, the Mascots of the Blue Bombers are two EAGLES. A tall one called BOOMER and a short one called BUZZ.

Two EAGLES just like the Asper Crest.

The logo of the Blue Bombers is a LIGHTENING BOLT coming out of a Blue and Gold FOOTball. There is also a big W for Winnipeg, which just so happens to be the 23rd letter of the alphabet.

The Lightning of the PIG SKIN (kind of like the design on the Pigs in Space outifts). This is also an image of Lightening coming out of a Vesica Piscis.

The Lightening of the Volt Age. The Light of Christ.

The Blue Bomber cheerleaders are also called BLUE LIGHTENING. They are sponsored by the Canadian beer Labbatt's BLUE.

Funny thing is that when I was 15 years old I was a competitive gymnast, and for a year, myself and four other guys did stunts alongside the Blue Lightening squad. Yes I was a cheerleader. Weird, eh?

Above is a BLUEPRINT of the Manitoba Legislature and how it fits the GOLDEN proportion.

The GOLDen BLUEprint.

Now how the Manitoba Legislature fits in is with the HOLY of HOLIES, or the Lieutenant Governor's BLUE ROOM. This is where the ARK is veiled behind an "ornately woven BLUE VEIL." Notice the colors Blue and Gold decorating the room. This room is exactly designed like the Inner Sanctum should be built if one was to build King Solomon's Temple.

BLUE is like the SKY and GOLD is like the SUN.

I must wrap this post up for now. It was really just a stream of work that I just ran with, but now it is late and I must catch an early airplane back to Winnipeg. But I think this BLUE & GOLD things is going to be something that will evolve rapidly. I do remember reading Chris Knowles at the Secret Sun talk about the esoteric syncnificance of BLUE & GOLD. I think he mentions the colours are associated with SIRIUS.

Is SIRIUS 23 and JUPITER 42?

I should mention that it is David Asper's sister, Gail Asper (in the middle of the picture above) who is heading the development of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Myself and Jake have written about this place before and you should check it out because it is a surreal place.

A Blue & Gold Castle Centreport in the land of OZ that will be completed in 2012.

And get this. The Canadian Band RUSH that have the album 2112 (1212/12/21/ABBA/FATHER), they recently donated $100,000 to the Museum. There most recent album is called SNAKES & ARROWS.

I will add more to this post later. Now I must sleep as I leave Thompson tomorrow. I am at the Day's Inn. Blue & Gold everywhere...



Thanks to all of the Sync Whole for inspiration and triggers. I just love the fact that both the WIZARDS and LAKERS jersey's are shades of BLUE & GOLD.

Richard: Here we see Denzel within touching distance of the Golden Eye of Horus (aka the Eye of RA/RE) which is surrounded by Blue, and features the Movie Film/DNA in it's design:

Denzel one again interacts with the RE in order to BE GREAT (below). Also notice the words BE MAGICAL reminding us that Denzel is the Blue/Gold Wizard (see Washington Wizard logo above):

In Mo' Better Blues we find the Blue & Gold in the title combing together to create the Vesica Pisces:

We find the ER/RE inside the centre of the Master Card logo:

Maybe the title should be 'OM Better Blues'. When you become 'Blue' you align with the OM and you feel a lot better for it. The Vesica Pisces above is symbolic of the opening of the Eye, the Star G8 portal, and the Cracked Egg...which reminds me of Humpty.

Denzel confronts the Luciferian Fallen Angel in the movie Fallen:

The fact that Denzel has played the role of Humpty Dumpty suggests that he IS the 'Fallen One':

Notice above the references to Jack (Regis Philbin), Whoopi Goldberg (Jumping Jack Flash). Jack fell down the Hill and broke his Crown and Humpty/Denzel knows exactly what that feels like.

Perhaps the Fallen Angel Lucifer is a demonized version of the Blue Skinned Shiva who is also found wielding a Pitch Fork/Trident. Maybe it's the demonization of Enlightenment and the Kundalini Serpent.

Here we see the Fallen Angel/Humpty inteacting with the BLUE DEVIL:

We also find Denzel taking on the Blue One in this movie:

In the movie Glory (which ignited Denzels career) his character was best friends with Col. Robert GOULD/GOLD and his other buddy was Pvt. JUPITER Sharts:

Notice on the IMDB screenshot that the actors Morgan Freeman (Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves) and Cary Elwes (Robin Hood Men in Tights) seperate the GOULD (Above) from the BLUE JUPITER (Below).

One last thing. Many of the syncs in this post seem to resonate with my theory about a 'Blue Shiva Gene of Enlightenment' which is being stirred into action by certain influential Planets & Stars (e.g. Jupiter, Sirius, Pleiades). This Blue Lucifer (Blue Gene/Gene Hackman) is found within the Red-C, or Crimson Tide, which is floWing through us right NOW.

Maybe be we just need to press the right BUTTON in order to activate it, or maybe the arrival of a Twin Star will press it for us:

As mentioned in the comments by U1 Afferrismoon (briliant genius that he is) it is stated that

And I Quote

"Matthew Broderick plays Capt.ROBERT Gould SHAW.In the 1974 film Mr. Blue is played by ROBERT SHAWcheers"

"the tightly wound, but coolly efficient heist mastermind/former mercenary soldier Bernard Ryder aka "Mr. Blue" in The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974), "-Robert Shaw (actor) wiki

Robert Shaw is the actor that originally played John TraBolta's part. The points blue and 23 are relevant for obvious reasons.

RAW and Shaw wrote the book that has greatly influenced the art that you are now staying up late obssesed with...... Keep telling your self "it's only a coincidence it's only a coincidence".