Goofyear One (micro mashed)

Who BLUE their nose and gave me this vEYE'R'US?

I have a bit of time to flow and much to get off my chest. So lets see where it goes.
(please take note not all my links are added yet, but what the heck I will post and edit and tomorrow).

First off, considering the WHO might raise the swine flu to PANdemic level 6 soon, I thought would revisit the Flying Pigs sync thread and why I find it interesting that the PORKY's poster seems to align well with the Masonic Square and Compass.

Which also seems to align with this poster below for a film called PIGS.

Pigs and Masons. What is that about? Then there is the soon to be released film G-FORCE that is
a bunch of GUINEA PIGS as high-tech cop (pig again) unit.

Their logo is a octagonal starG8 to boot. Which resonates with the 8 rayed star which is very common in much masonic architecture (such as the Manitoba Legilsature and the Pool of the Black Star). Suitably the design is in BLUE as most cops/pigs are known to wear.

This poster below then syncs up as it is the same "Guys looking through a woman's LEGs" and this one even has the red-shirted men holding BLUE & GOLD bowling balls.

Bowling balls remind me of the Black Bowling Ball ( aka Galactic Centre ) that the Queen holds on the lawn of the Manitoba Legislature.

Bowling also throws me back to Purple Jesus (John Turturro) from the film the Big Lebowski as talked about at the sync hole before.

The Masonic tie in even becomes stronger when noted that the G-Force poster makes note that the makers of Pirates of the Carribean are behind its production.

Black Bowling Ball. Black Pearl. The Curse of the Black Hole?

X marks the spot as the skull and crossed swords suggest.

The use of LEGs in the above posters also points to the LEGislature that Jake and I are always ranting about.

Perhaps masons and pigs is a good lead into this next film by the maker of 2001 & Eyes Wide Shut - Stanley Kubrick.

Clockwork Orange.

Here we have the the A form common to the posters with the woman's legs seen above. There is still even in this a woman and her legs making this A form. A man, and even a single eye look through the shape at us as well.

The Dark Horse rises. Why I originally found the Alexander poster above is when I was researching movies that take place in B.C., or Before Christ. But the stylized A that matches the Atlantis and Aeon Flux posters ( plus a gazillion more).

Why am I interested in B.C. is because that is what 23 is. B and C. BC. Before Christ. Something JCarrey himself would attest to. The word spARROW in JCarrey's forehead resonates the the role 23 plays in pointing to the target.

"Before Christ people thought I was insane?" is what JCarrey will say once he enters A.D. In other words, known as seeing 23.

What is Christ then?

Perhaps Christ is a doorway, a portal, perhaps a black hole into the next phase of the infinite spiral of evolutionary time loop.

Then that leads us to A.D.

A.D. or Anno Domini, is the Year of Our Lord.

Year One.

The Year of the One.

A.D. was actually created in 525 by Dionysius Exiguus, who used it to compute the date of the Christian Easter festival.

As Jake stated earlier when we where talking about these things - "Is this Year One?"

I would think it seems to be turning out that way.

Here in Manitoba, as our RED SEA/C/River parts us and REcedes, our city had a RISE AGAIN
fundraiser to support Flood RElief. It just happend on May 13th, 2009. But check out the desgin of the PR campaign.

A sun shining out of two hands rising from the water.

B.C. to A.D. Perhaps that is the nexus we are at right now. Taking note of Jack Black's new film to come out this June make's me think that Jake is right.

Year One is here NOW.

What interests me about this Year One poster is the phrase at the bottom of the page.

"This June Evolution Begins." (again)

June interests me because its origins with the God Juno, or the Queen of Jupiter and Heaven.
Funny enough one of the actors in this film is Juno Temple (this is her real name not movie name).

There is an actress called Juno Temple? aka the Temple to Jupiter! (perhaps that is what is what the Manitoba Legislature is.)

Heck their is even an actress in the film named JUNE DIANE RAPHAEL who plays a character called MAYA.

Will the veil be lifted this June?

Jack Black in the film plays a guy named Zed and Micael Cera plays somone called Oh.

OhZed. Are we about to be OZ'd?

The more I look...

Someone named GIA (GAIA/gEYEa) plays the Queen fittingly, as well the KING is played by someone called XANDER which resonates King AleXander the Gr8 mentioned already.

Jack Black interests me particularily because Jake has already done some sync work linking Jack with Jupiter as well.

Jack Black becomes Black Jack which is 21, or 1/2 of 42 a number I have previously attempted to suggest is linked to Jupiter. 21 is BA as well. BA is the egyptian concept of soul.

Jack Black also resonates UNION JACK black. A fitting description of the Black Queen holding the Black Bowling ball talked about before.

The Black Hole of our Soul.

The Jack Black Moon.

The swine are on time.

I recently saw the trailer for the new Transformers film coming out starring our pyramid portal jumping Shi(v)a LaBeouf.

Revenge of the Fallen it is called. To be released JUNE 24 in the USA as well! A nice Jupiter/42 sync wink indeed.

I have always loved Optimus Prime. He makes me think of Optimus Maximus or the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus as it was known in Rome.

Revenge of the Fallen's climactic battle supposedly takes place at a temple in the Giza Pyramids in Egypt.

As it states on wikipedia:

"Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) discovers something about the origins of the Transformers and their history on Earth after receiving visions from a remaining piece of the Allspark.[3] The evil Decepticons need to capture him for information.[4] The climactic battle takes place at the Giza pyramid complex,[5] where a temple is located within.[4] Lorenzo di Bonaventura explained the film will start before the pyramids were built, tying the Transformers to the beginning of civilization,[3] and implying that "all our heroes end up here because of the Decepticons' master plan." Furthermore, Egyptian hieroglyphs resembling helicopters and other present day vehicles in real life will be explained in the film as being depictions of those Ancient Cybertronians who visited Earth"

Optimus Prime should also be noted is BLUE & RED with nice big Blue hands as well.

Shiva and Blue resonating for sure.

Of course TIMELINE OPTIMUS PRIME is purple.

One last thing that I just want to throw out there. I really need to go to bed. So I might add to this post tomorrow but why not throw it to the DOGs to devour now, instead of later.

All of Arrowsmiths's work on BLUE GENEs inspired me on finding this next one.

A movie called ZEROphilia. Blue Jeans and seX Genes. Notice on the poster below the Blue DNA strands acting as ladder from the road into the sky.

"What have you got in your genes?"

In the other poster below the bodies make a Vesica Piscis Christ portal shape with the Blue DNA
ladder in the middle. A single RED EYE of a nipple is seen.

There is even supposedly an International Organization of Zerophiliacs. These are people who when aroused turn into the opposite sex.

The Blue OZ Gene.

Maybe ZEROphilia is what happens when you go from ZERO(B.C shift to A.D.) to Year 1.

L8or G8ors


The cyclops shades give Mr 'SQUARE'pants an all seeing eye. X marks the spot plus Patrick is a STARfish with fishnet stockings on... What a 'G'oofy 'G'oober..

Jim: So Goofy Goober Blue me away. Here we have spongebob at midnight, 12 0'clock or 24 hours (12/21/42/24). He is picked up by a purple alien and he becomes the Goofy Goober Rock God.

Double pentagram eyes of Goofy Goober seem to match the double paws on the Gooby poster below.

GGoober shatters the glass with his new single Purple Eye sunglasses.

He is a Purple Jesus Wizard who liberates people, who are blinded with a red eye (notice the Red C as well), with his hand fired blue lightening and his rocking GG/77/OZ blue/purple guitar. What the...

Finally the blue lightening knocks their helmets off and liberates them, the Xs in the background
demarcate this moment as the target we are all heading towards exponentially more rapidly.

Spongebob Squarepants The Movie - Goofy Goober Rock - More free videos are here

So Goofy then surely fits into all this Goofiness.

Goofy the Disney character is not only a DOG with paws as well, his name is a GG/77/OZ also.

Check out thie wikipedia entry on his name:
"Goofy is an animated cartoon character from the Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse universe, and is one of Mickey Mouse's best friends. His original concept name was "Dippy Dawg" in cartoon shorts created during the 1930s; then his name was given as "George Geef" or "G.G. Geef" in cartoon shorts during the 1950s, implying that "Goofy" was a nickname. Contemporary sources, including the Goof Troop television show and A Goofy Movie, now give the character's full name to be Goofy Goof. His birthday is May 25, 1932."

It is hard to be cool when your DAD is GGOOFY.