Burger and Bordeaux Thursdays at Stamford's Napa & Co

Ohhhhhhhhh yeah! Thursdays are Burger & Bordeaux Night at Napa! For $35, you get the $24 burger (and yummy fries), a salad, and a glass of red. You can bet Baby Stamford Talk will be availing himself of this special in June, when his mommy might be a little less paranoid about germs. BABY WANTS BOOB BURGER.

You may recall this is the "Burger-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" on Chow.com, the national food site, which, absurdly, won't allow mention of this burger online. It's a silly choice by Chow, if you ask me.

I think Chow might be mad at me, because my login info is not working, and I'm pretty sure I have it right.