Since meeting Jim I have seen many syncs that I interpret as suggesting Jim's destiny is strongly tied into 2010.
2010 is the year of the Tiger in Chinese astrology as regulated by the 12 year orbit around the sun by Jupiter.

See Scarlet Dragon 2 for Hannigan as Babalon.

Saw another Tiger/Jim sync in "Adventureland" but I as yet don't have the stills for that movie.
Peace Of Mind = Peace On Earth

Well Jake's last comment for me is what 2010 means.
Peace In is Peace Out. Return of the Garden State.
I have been hanging on to this big Winnie-the-Pooh post over at Centreportal, but it just ain't where my energy has been flowing lately.
But I in this post I could tie in the TiGGer side of things.
TiGGer is one of the characters of Winni-the-Pooh. A character inspired by a real black bear called Winnipeg the Bear. Needless to say I am curious with this story and it's characters. They are Winnipeg.
This year at the Acadamey Awards SlumDOG/GOD Millionaire 's Danny Boyle won an Oscar for Best Director. In his speech he says:
"I swore to my kids if this miracle ever happened I would receive it in the Spirit of TiGGer from Winnie-The-Pooh."

Also notice Reese Witherspoon make a Pooh reference in her introduction. She
compares a film director to the Grand POObaH.

Watch the video HERE.
She is referring to the Grand POObaH of the Lodge of the Water Buffaloes from the Flintstones.
Notice the Blue Horned Crown as well as the Tiger Orange outift of Fred below.
Orange is the Complementary Colour of Blue.

Blue One & Orange Tiger.

Grand Ba of Pooh?