Pushback Project Launched To Develop Pro-Marriage Videos

The L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center has launched a new contest to allow anyone to develop videos that promote marriage equality, called Project: Pushback. The winning video will be decided on by apublic web-based vote and the winner could get $2500! The submission deadline is May 18th and the voting is from May 19-June 1. The Center as even posted some helpful tips for crafting your message as well as the full contest rules and guidelines and a FAQ.

Project: Pushback isn’t about a specific election but about building support for the freedom to marry.

The best messages will both persuade voters and motivate people who are already supportive to get involved.

Be strategic and creative. Consider how to blunt the impact of the right wing’s scare tactics such as the “I can marry a princess” and "Gathering Storm" ads.

Your video should be suitable for a general audience. Videos with inappropriate content will not be approved for broadcast on the Center’s channel.
There's more information at the Project: Pushback website. Good luck!