In the Porky's poster the single EYE peers through the Matrix and into the Cosmic Womb.

On that Porky note let us dive into the SWINE FLU PANdemic unfolding.
The WHO has declared the world is at a Phase 5 level and on the cusp of Phase 6 level which will syncnify a global PANdemic. I pray for all that will suffer through this. But we should all remember that all will be fine. This is all part of the shift. Death is but a word. We are all in good HANDS.
Here is some flu floW (word is its good medicine for flu fEAR vEYE R' US)...

The Father shall deliver us to change.

When I think of films and pigs think of Deliverance because its famous line "Squeel Like a Pig." The time we are in is all a time of deliverance. What shall be born at this time of the swine. Life is a River that in due time delivers us all.

Perhaps like BABE, the CHRIST BABY is being delivered in all of our hearts. I like the poster above where it seems like the three mice are the three wisemen men visiting the Christ Child.

In Babe, NY is clearly made to seem like OZ.

We might be in the Porky's Revenge stage these days.

Notice this swine flu quarantine photo has WINNIE-THE-POOH as a design on one of the women. I wonder what PIGLET has to say about the rising PANdemic? WINNIE-THE-POOH is syncnificant here because it is WINNIpeg that the H1N1 sWINE Flu was identified. Winnipeg being the inspiration for the A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-pooh character.
Piglet seems best at the tree stilts. His scarf is flapping in the wind as if he is almost flying.

The Pig is leading us back to OZ.

Follow the Yellow Brick Super Highway from Mexico to Winnipeg and beyond.
At least that is what the swine flu has done...

In the image below we see that the Spider represents our 'Inner Sun' located in the Pineal Gland. When this Inner Sun is activated, Enlightening our perception of the world, we begin walking the path towards Self-Mastery and become aware of the intricate web which binds everything and everyone together. By joining the dots we learn how to weave our Magic:
Pigs might fly and Swines might Flu, but when the Pineal Gland is triggered we rediscover our Wings and our potential to become airborne. The Wings which give us flight are located in the centre of the Mind. We just need to remember how to use them:
For more on the Crow check out Two Birds, One Stone.
pORK has a KRO in it.
Like this tagline suggests: 'Help is Coming from Above'. The (PP) Pink Pig is a reminder that Life hangs by the thread of a Spider Web and we must live and enjoy Life in the NOW. Everything happens for a reason...

As Arrowsmith points out Swine Flu can become Flying Pig.
The first flying pig that comes to my mind is master animator Hayao Miyazaki's "Porco Rosso".
This is translated as Crimson/Red Pig.
The next key film resonating Swine Flu, as Aferrismoon mentions, is "Outbreak".
This syncs back to "Porco Rosso" as Rene Russo (Red) on the scarlet poster for the film.
Much red resonance a current popular theme as seen in the C-ing Red, Red Handed, Red Robin/Ribon ideas..
Pigs are pink, a color closely associated to red.
One more red pig connect pops into mind in the shape of George Orwell's classic anti communist "Animal Farm".
Note the red font of "Porky's".
In the THREE LITTLE PIGS the nemesis is the BIG BAD WOLF.
Perhaps the message of the story is that it is best not fight and demonize the Wolf and to go with the floW instead.Then there is also oKKoto, King of the Boars from Princess Mononoke. Another Lord of the Flies.

As noted by Jim, he is a classic tormentor of the pig.
Reality, all that is, has both ebb and flow aspects.
We could connect the much maligned pig - "eat like a pig" - with ebb/'negative' and wolf with flow/'positive'.
Of course often this polarity is the other way around and the pig is also a classic hero (Babe etc). This doesn't disprove, nay it makes the point..
WE prefer to notice the Peaks of Life and not the Valleys. Because WE/ME focus on the UP's, floW is interrupted by the unexpected troughs.
Actually Both Peak/Pig and trough are part of ONE unified wave arising from beyond all duality.
Once you disidentify from being a Pig or a Trough you align floWer and are Whole.