Dustin Lee Hoffman born (August 8), 1937 = 88
1988's Rainman was inspired of Kim Peek's abilities as an autistic savant(servant).
Wiki fart...
"Kim Peek was born(born November(11) 11, 1951) is a with macrocephaly, damage to the cerebellum, and, perhaps most important, agenesis of the corpus callosum, a condition in which the bundle of nerves that connects the two hemispheres of the brain is missing"
"In 2004, NASA scientists examined Peek with a series of tests including computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The intent was to create a three-dimensional view of his brain structure and to compare the images to MRI scans done in 1988. These are the first tentative approaches in using new and non-invasive technology to further investigate Kim's savant abilities.[3]
A 2008 study concluded that Peek probably has FG syndrome, a rare genetic syndrome linked to the X chromosome which causes physical anomalies such as hypotonia (low muscle tone) and macrocephaly (abnormally large head).[4]"

Thanks to revelation of fellow AWEtistic blogger aferrismoon, the movie that should be referenced on a day in which Autism and DusTIN HoffMAN bubbled to the surface is of course the 1988 Oscar winning RAIN MAN. (TIN MAN = RAIN MAN). Thanks as well JKidd for your REignman insights.

I like how in the picture Dustin Hoffman has a RED C and the word RE only visible.
I have been thinking about the word RE much lately. Those two letters pervade our language in all manners. They are of course 2 of 3 letters of the word REd.
On the Manitoba Legilstaure there are hieroglyphs on two sphinx's that flank the East and West sides of the building. The hieroglyphs translate as:
"The firm/lasting manifestation of Re (or Ra), the good god who has given life."

Today I had a meeting for an instructional video I am doing for a company called RA-na. At the meeting the two employees I was working with to develop the script where named ADAM and ROBIN. The word file we where working with had BLUE comments from ADAM and RED comments from ROBIN. I thought this was a funny moment in light of recent sync hole musings.
Below is a fragment of the document that shows the blue and red coding, as well as the 42s and the name ADAM.

I thought this moment was so special I grabbed a short clip of me in the office clarifying this colour coded ADAM/ROBIN moment. Funny thing is that I was so distracted from trying to record the moment and not get caught that what I clarify is wrong. Adam is in blue not red, and robin is in red not blue. But I think the mix up is good. We are all Blue and Red. We are all Adam and Robin.
We are all Purple Jesus.